Crisis in china

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It was day two of [m/n] and Kaneki's trip in China. They saw at the Forbidden City and The Temple of Heaven before stopping for dinner. Neither could tell you the name of the place but they knew it was a hot pot restaurant. Kaneki had noticed [m/n]'s general mood was brightened, but there was still little light in his eyes. As they ate their food [m/n] began describing a funny story he heard recently. But he was cut off as he saw a head of white hair outside the window.
Time seemed to stop for the [h/c] haired male until the person turned around. To [m/n]'s dismay. They were clearly female. 'Why am I sad about this? I'm here with Kaneki I shouldn't be thinking about...him.'
"Honey are you alright?" The taller of the two finally snapped himself back into reality as he tried smiling at his husband.
"Everything's fine. I just...had a bad memory is all." Kaneki wasn't buying the poor attempt at an excuse.
"You thought you saw him? Right" the forced smile immediately vanished from [m/n]'s lips.
The [h/c] haired male attempted to speak several times, but nothing escaped his lips. Kaneki simply grabbed and squeezed his hand in an attempt of reassurance. The rest of the dinner was eaten in an uncomfortable silence.
—(time skip)—
The two men walked the streets of Dongcheng lost in thought. The day had felt long and tiring despite how well it began. "Do you still love Juuzou?"
The question pierced the tension only for it to grow stronger. [m/n] had fully stoped in his tracks to stare at his current lover. "What on...what..." Of all the things that could have been expected to have been uttered. Such a question was never thought to have been a contender.
"I need to know. It's a hard question to answer I'm sure. But. I don't want to continue this if you still love him."
Tears threatened to spill from either man's eyes as a few pedestrians looked on. Without thinking Kaneki dragged [M/N] into an alley way for privacy.
"Are you...are you trying to break up with me?" The black haired male spat out a torrent of words trying to calm the other.
"[M/N] I meant nothing like that. I just." He paused to compose himself. "I love you more than anything, and that means I want you to be happy. I know your not. I know you haven't been for sometime." Another pause as Kaneki wiped tears from his lovers face. "If you still love Juuzou I promise. I promise I'll help you find him."
[m/n] stood in silence. This was the first real time they had spoken of his ex. The subject was a sore one for both men.
"I...I don't know."
  The soft sounds of feet running across the pavement could be heard in the cold night. Close behind were three pairs of much louder steps. Juuzou's days of petty theft seemed to be over, in fact his whole life seemed it would be over in a few short moments.
  The white haired male had attempted to pickpocket an elderly looking man. Normally he wouldn't stope so low but he was getting more desperate by the day. The only thing he didn't account for was three men catching him in the act. Once Juuzou realized he dropped the wallet and ran as fast as his legs could carry him. No matter how long he ran the men followed, they even seemed to be getting closer.
   At this pace it would only be a minute before he was caught. So it's just his luck that he tripped on the uneven ground slowing him down. He looked down to see one of his tattered shoes a few feet behind him. Despite this he kept running.
   'Going back for it would only slow me down even more. I just have to make it for one of my hiding spots. God why did I decided to rob someone so far from my normal area?'
  It was this small moment of hesitation as he looked back that would cost him even more. As he turned back around he came slamming face first into a couple.  He starred for a second almost thinking he recognized them. But the two looked like a young teen couple, a pair he definitely wouldn't know.
   A shout from behind finally snapped him out of his thoughts. He picked himself back up and made for the closet alleyway, the two previous stops cost him too much time to have a chance of getting out safe. Juuzou pressed his back completely flat against the dead end he found himself at. Maybe if he didn't move his assailants would simply go away. But this isn't a perfect world the white haired man has found himself in.
No, instead the three Chinese men entered the alleyway gasping for breath but eyes trained directly on Juuzou. The two men on the left of the alley picked up a pair of makeshift weapons. An empty beer bottle and a brick that has been split in half. Juuzou closed his eyes and sent a prayer to any good that may be listening. But it did nothing to stop the smashing of glass over his head.
Juuzou immediately dropped to the ground.
"Maybe this will teach you not to pick on the defenseless. Then again you might not live long enough to fully grasp the message."
And with that the broken brick was slammed hard against the small males skull. Blackness was all that surrounded Juuzou as he lay in a crumpled mess. Kicks and punches ran down on his defenseless body but barely any of it registered to him.
  This seemed it would be the end of the slender man's life. Alone in a foreign country, down on the ground bleeding out, as he was beaten numb. But suddenly a loud shout grabbed the three attackers attention.
  Kaneki stood at the entrance of the alley with his lover in shock. They both ran towards Juuzou as [m/n] grabbed a random trash can lid. He threw it with all his strength at the three individuals. One of them ducked but the other wasn't so lucky. He was nailed directly in the forehead and as the other two had broken their weapons they ran past the lovers to get away. But [m/n] still managed a kick or two on their way out.
  But as the [h/c] haired male turned his attention back to the figure on the ground. His heart sank. His former love. The one person that plagued his thoughts on a daily basis. Was dying before him. [m/n] sank to his knees as he grabbed and cradled Juuzou's head. Kaneki quickly yelled that he'd go get help but his words simply fell on deaf ears.
    [M/n] sat in a dingy allwy holding the bloody head of his former lover. Kaneki run off to go find help but Juuzou's final moments seemed to be drawing near. His normally white hair was slowly turning a crimson red. His already pale skin was nearly white as paper. And his his heart beat was slowing to a snail's pace. [M/n] cried and cried until his eyes could no longer produce tears as he held his the dying man. Their was almost a strange beauty in the way the moonlight bounced of Juuzou's complexion. Thinking this would be the last time Juuzou could lay his eyes on his beloved he reached out and grasped [M/n]'s face. And using his last bit of strength he pulled his face down to meet his. One. Last. Time. But before anything could happen. He lost all the strength he had. His hand fell limp by his side as [m/n] cried desperately into the night.

Fucking hell what is wrong with me. First I don't update in months. Then i tease shit endlessly. Then I don't update again and then I leave shit on a cliffhanger. Fuck me. Now all that aside I know this isn't what anyone wants to hear. But this may be the end of this story. I won't mark this as complete just in case I get the urge to write again. But I just don't know what to do anymore. I've pretty much lost all interest I. This story. I only finished this because I knew you all deserved something for all your patience and loyalty. I know it's a shit ending. But I hope you can understand. And again maybe this won't always be the ending. Maybe one of this days I'll write a proper ending. But I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you. In better news I do have some plans for writing going forward. I've previously made the announcement I have an AO3. But I might add one more story on here just to leave in everyone's good graces. But knowing me. Those plans may never see the light of day. But I've taken far to much of your time already. Leave a like if you enjoyed. Comment whatever you feel like. CONSTRUCTIVE  criticism is very much appreciated. And I'll se you all later. BYE!👋🏻😄

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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