🌹1: life🌹

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you and yuri had been childhood friends since elementary school. he was always cold towards other people, and you were no exception. but, you were persistent, following him everywhere. he was slightly taller than you, by maybe three centimeters. he considered you to be cute, so he wanted to protect you in any and every way possible.

"yo! everybody better fuck off this dude, okay?! anyone who dares to even breathe on him will get a severe punishment, got it?!" he yelled once during recess. he had climbed to the highest point of the playground and yelled at everyone below him, grabbing your shirt roughly and showing you off like a trophy. it had given him an in-school suspension for cursing on school grounds, but he was happy just knowing you weren't going to be hurt. oh, what little he knew.


it hurt, it hurt so bad.

when you coughed up a rose petal during gym class in high school, you were scared, to say the least, but waited until after-school to tell your parents about what happened. your mom immediately broke down to tears, hands covering her mouth as she began to choke back sobs. your father sighed and looked down, "son... you have..."


hanahaki. the disease that was caused by a one-sided love. yuri plisetsky was the cause of it. you were furious. not at yuri, but at yourself. how could you let your guard down so easily, as to let someone ruin your life like this? let alone another male. you weren't gay... you couldn't be!

but doctors don't lie, especially with something as serious as this strange phenomena. "i'm sorry ma'am, but there's nothing we can do..." dr. snow said, adjusting his blue glasses as he stared at your mother with dull eyes. "there's nothing we can do? no medication, no cheaper surgeries, nothing?! my poor baby has to suffer like this until he dies?!" your mother pleaded desperately at your doctor. he just sadly shook his head. you couldn't tear up. you couldn't breathe. you just felt numb.

the car ride home was filled with your mother gripping the wheel as she drove your family's electric car with tear stained eyes.
"who is it?" she asked you.
"who is it? the person you love? the person who hurt my poor baby..." she said through grit teeth, eyes welling up with tears as her hands continued to grasp the steering wheel tighter and tighter. you stayed silent. should you tell her? should you tell her the reason why you had this stupid disease was that of your childhood friend??
"y-...yuri..." you say after some time. your mother had stopped the car at a red light, keeping her gaze forward with a shocked expression. it was like this for a few minutes, before you spoke up, "mom... the light's green."

at this, your mother began driving, fast, but slowing down once she was halfway to the next light. you two were silent once again. you stared out the window of the passenger seat, watching as the sun set slightly. until you realized you weren't going in the same direction you came.

instead, you were going to the direction of your local park, where you and yuri used to walk past almost every day together after-school. "mom, why are we at the park?" you asked, concerned.

"out..." your mother said coldly as she parked. you felt tears brim your eyes, "w-what?" your mother whipped her head to you, glaring at you with anger, "i will have no son of mine be falling for a boy! its no wonder you have this disease, i hope you die of it..." she said through gritted teeth.

you swallowed the lump in your throat, only for it to rise back up again. you opened the car door, closing it. you looked through the window, only to see your mother starting to drive off without giving you a second glance. you sighed, a few tears slipping from your eyes and rolling down your cheeks.


a knock on the door woke yuri up in the middle of the night, 'what could anyone be doing at this time of hour?' yuri groaned to himself as he read the clock.

1:30 a.m.

yuri opened the door to find you standing in front of him. he looked up, seeing as you were taller than him now, and glared at you, before realizing your tear stained cheeks, to which he began to worry.
"hey yuri, can i stay over here tonight?" you asked him. yuri nodded and opened the door completely to let you in. "брат (brother), what happened?" he asked, sitting across from you on the couch. "my parents kicked me out today. thought i could make it on my own, so i wandered around town for a bit. i got lost and ended up near your house, so i thought i'd say 'hi'?" you looked at him sadly, clearly not wanting to continue the conversation. yuri sighed, getting you some hot milk and transforming the couch into a fold-out bed.

you thanked him as you finished your milk, handing him the finished cup. yuri left the room to inform his parents about you, to which they allowed you to stay. you sighed, 'this disease will be harder to battle now that i'm going to be staying with the cause of it...'


years passed and now you and yuri were adults. the hanahaki hadn't gotten any better, as to be expected, but you managed to hide it from yuri for this long. now, you were going with him to japan for a wedding, the sounds of his ranting about how he didn't want to go but had to because he owed one of the grooms and stuff like that. you finally fell asleep, waking up once you landed.


you watched as yuri gracefully skated the ice, lifting his leg up behind him as he glided. he had grown his hair out, so now it was reaching his upper back. he had stopped growing taller since high-school, which made him relatively small for a man his age. the both of you were now 25. yuri was happy. you were happy seeing him happy.

you continued to watch him enjoy what he had done years ago, a passion that had never died. until you felt that familiar, burning, choking feeling in the back of your throat. you covered your mouth and ran off to find the bathroom, immediately running into a stall once you had.


once your small session was over, you cried.
you cried until your voice was hoarse.
you cried until there were no tears left.
you cried...

for two hours.

once yuri had noticed your absence, he went to look for you...
once he found you, his heart shattered.

1141 words

Hanahaki {a Yuri Plisetsky x Male! Reader short story} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now