Go on a date with someone else/ he admits he loves you •0•

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"(Y/n)! I forbid you to go on that date!" Slender yelled as he held you upside down by his tentacles. "SLENDER! PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANCE!" You yelled, flailing in his grasp. "No." He simply stated, crossing his arms. "Why not?!" You yelled at him. "Because (Y/n) I'm afraid you will leave me for a human." He said setting you down. "Slender. It's not like I like the guy. My mom is making me. I have no feelings to him. You don't need to worry." You say as you hug him tightly. "I love you." He says, sighing heavily. You looked at him, astonished. "S-Slender. I umm I love you too." You say smiling warmly at him. All night you stayed with him, hugging and cuddling, until you had to leave.


Jeff The Killer:

Ever since you told Jeff your mom was making you go to prom with someone, he locked you in a closet. "Jeff. Please let me out." You say trying to sound calm. The one thing you hated the most was dark small spaces. "No. You're gonna stay in there till prom is over." Jeff said sitting against the door. Panic began to rise within you as you started to breath heavily. "Jeff! P-please let me out!" You say pounding on the door. "No (Y/n)!" "Jeff!" You scream as you began to hyperventilate and cry. Jeff quickly opens the doors once he hears your sobs. "(Y/n)! I'm so sorry. I didn't know." He says holding you tightly. "It's okay, but please tell me why you locked me in there in the first place." You ask, wiping away the last of your tears. "Because... Iloveyouverymuchandiwasscaredyou'dlikehiminstead!"  He says quickly as tears fall from his eyes. You kiss his cheek softly and tell him you love him too. You two spent the rest of the night hugging and holding each other.


BEN Drowned:

BEN has been a lot more quiet ever since you told him a guy friend of yours asked you out. You two were currently playing video games just before your date, well mainly just you was playing. He sat there, not saying a word. "BEN, why aren't you talking to me? Do you not want to be friends?" You ask, fearing the worst was about to happen. "No its not that! Believe me, I freaking love you!" He says looking away. You looked a this face. Blood began to run down his cheeks faster, as if he was crying. "I l-love you too." You say shyly as you hug him tightly. A blush creeps upon both of your faces as you cuddle up to him. "Oh, I forgot to mention that your date wasn't gonna show anyways." He says, a devious smirk going across his face.


Dark Link:

  Darkness has been acting odd lately ever since you told him your mom was forcing you to go to prom. He seemed more distant and sad? "Hey Darkness, what's wrong?" You ask, clearly worried for your friend. He just shrugged. You let out a heavy sigh as you leaned on him, your head on his shoulder. "Something wrong with you so you might as well tell me." You say, sitting up and facing him. He let's out a disgruntled sigh. "I am afraid you'll find the perfect guy at prom." He said, his voice cracking near the end. You felt so stupid. Of course he likes me! For the past few days he's been telling you cheesy pick up lines and blushes a lot when you hug him, you were just to dumb to notice. (-.- How could you Reader-San) "(Y/n), please don't go. I love you and I don't want to lose you." He says, releasing a long and heavy sigh. You nod your head and lean on him once again. "I love you too." You say poking his sides. He glares at you and you spend the rest of the evening watching horror movies! (Fuck yeah >:3)



  "Graffiti!! Come back here!!!" You yelled but it was already too late. He bursted through your front door and sprinted into the woods. You had just told him a guy from school asked you out on a date. You felt so dumb for telling him. (Still didn't learn Reader-San -.-) You knew he liked you and to be honest, so did you. You felt tears roll down your cheeks as you closed the front door. The thought of you losing your only friend on your mind. You walked upstairs to your bedroom, flopping onto your bed and crying into the pillow until you fell asleep. A couple of hours or so passed until you heard the smooth voice of Graffiti. "(Y/n)? (Y/n)?" He said as he nudged your sides a bit. You sat up and faced him. His mask was cover in blood and so was his jacket. You smiled knowing what Graffiti had left to do. You pulled him into a tight hug. "I love you." He says as he buries his face in your hair. A blush creeps upon your face. "I love you too." You say giggling. The rest of the night consisted of Graffiti and you cuddling until he had to leave.



    You were currently suspended in the air by Puppet's strings. He put you up there after you told him your friend had set you up for a blind date. He didn't like that at all, so here you are in the air hanging by golden strings. "Can I get down now?" You ask, clearly not entertained. He just shook his head. You sighed, knowing you weren't going to win this battle. "Then can you tell me why you won't let me go? It's not like I know the guy." You say, flailing in the strings. He let's out a heavy sigh before speaking. "Because I love you (Y/n)! Okay! You happy?! Yes, I love you! And it really pissed me off that you were going on a date with someone else! I didn't want to lose you...You're the greatest thing that has ever happened to me!" He yelled. His voice wasn't his normal goofy tone, it was much more serious. You stared at him for a bit before finally speaking. "I l-love you too." You say quietly. He looks up at you, shocked that you too shared the same feeling. You smiled and hugged him tightly once he set you down.


Dr. Smiley

  You were currently sitting in Smiley's room, reading, as he 'fixed' someone. You had just told him some guy had asked you out. He seemed a bit angry but walked away to go 'help' people. The door swung open to reveal a very bloody Smiley. You smiled at him as he sat next to you. "You're not going on that date." He says calmly as he faces you. You raise an eyebrow and stare back at him. "Oh? And if I may ask...Why not?" You say putting the book to the side. He seems to be thinking before wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. You hugged him back, not caring about the blood. "Because I love you." He whispers into your ear. Your face heats up as you pull away to face him. A blush is also across his cheeks. "I love you too." You say as you pull him into another hug. "And because my last patient was your date." He says, a chuckle leaving his lips. You shake your head, laughing as you face him. All day you spent with Smiley before you had to leave. He happily drove you home.


 Laughing Jack:

  You sighed as you fixed your hair. Jack was sitting on your bed, watching you. A friend of yours had just asked you out and you had agreed to go. You smiled at Jack as you twirled around. "Do I look okay?" You ask the monochrome clown. He flashes a smile. "You always look beautiful (Y/n)!" He says happily. He seemed happy to you but in the inside, Jack was sad. He kept thinking that you'd fall in love with the guy and never talk to him again. You waved good bye as you walked out of your house. Once Jack thought you were gone he let a single tear slide down his cheek. "Are you crying?" You ask. He hadn't realized you forgot something and came back. Jack looked up at you with a sad smile. "I love you." He said, turning his attention back to the ground. You ran over to and jumped on him, hugging him tightly. "I love you too!" You repeated over and over again as he held you tightly.


Eyeless Jack:

"(Y/n)?" Jack asked as he stood in front of the door. "Yeah?" You answer as you put your hair in a ponytail. "Your not going on that date." he says as he leans up against the door. "Oh really?" You say as you attempt to pull him away. You attempted this action for over an hour, he just wouldn't budge. You sighed in defeat as you sat on the floor in front of him. "Please?" "No" "Please?????" "Nooooooo." "God damn it Jack! Why not?!" You yell, standing up and facing him. "Because you made my heart beat. I thought it had died long ago but nope, you made it beat for you. I love you. There, that's my reason." He says as he hugs you tightly. "I love you too Jack." You say as you hug back just as tight.


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