Chapter 1

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A/N: This is my first fanfiction, so I hope you guys can comment and tell me how to improve it! XD


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>> The picture on the right is Henry Black >>

---------- Chapter 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Henry!" mum chimes, just above a whisper, though I'm sure the whole house heard her. I put down my much abused copy of Sherlock Holmes and walk down the stairs at human pace.

Everyone's sitting around all over the living area, which is...pretty small. I've seen the old house in Forks, and I have to say I am quite upset over the fact that I never had a chance to live there. According to mum, some people were getting a little suspicious of them. So we moved.

Much like forks, our new home is a really small, laid back town. The best thing about it? We have an entire rainforest as our backyard...or ahem, hunting ground.

"Henry, we're going to be late for school!" dad is just as excited as everyone else. Oo, wee, a new school! Again!...Not!

It's only my third time in high school, but I've had more than enough of it!

Reluctantly, I grab my bag and head out to the garage. Since there are so many of us, we take the Jeep and the Volvo. As usual, nobody let's me drive! Seriously, they treat me like I actually am 18. Heck, even 18 year olds are allowed to drive! I guess, that's the down side of having ancient family, they always see you as a baby!

I climb into Edward's (I have to constantly remind myself not to call any of them uncle, aunty, mum or dad) Volvo, along with Bella, Alice and Jasper. Mum, dad, Emmett and Rosalie take the Jeep. Sometimes, I prefer being away from mum and dad...they always baby me!

I stare moodily out the window as everyone else talks excitedly about a new year of school. At least Edwards seems as bored as I am. He calls school a purgatory, well at least he used to, until he met Bella. Now all he does is stare at her...not like I know what he was like before meeting Bella, I'm just going by what everyone else tells me. It's odd how Edward is actually my grandfather, when he actually looks younger than me. And don't get me started on great-grandpa Carlisle.

We pull up in the school parking lot, with all the other students staring at us. I suppose I can't blame them for staring...we are kinda beautiful, to human eyes anyway. Some of us are, anyway. Not that I'm jealous of my ancient relatives, but still!

The nine of us walk to the office to register, and I have to admit, this is getting ridiculous! We're sticking with the story that we are all Carlisle's adopted children! Hello?! Nine adopted children? With seven achingly beautiful god look a-likes, a russet skinned model and then...there's me!

We register for our classes, earning weird, confused and a somewhat flirty looks from the ladies in the office. Edward did the talking, of course.

Edward, Bella, Alice and dad are pretending to be juniors. Mum is going to be a sophomore. Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett and I will be seniors, as usual. Heh, taking high level then both mum and dad! Though, I do look older than both of them.

Mum, being a half vampire, stopped aging and now permanently looks between 16 and 17. Dad, since he's always around vamps, heck, he lives with vampires, he is also stuck looking about 17 or 18. I, on the other hand, being a mutant hybrid, half shape-shifter, quarter human and quarter vampire, I stopped growing later. So I look 18, maybe even 19. Let me tell you, sometimes it sucks looking older than your parents.

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