chapter three

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  • Dedicated to My Dad

Dedication is to my dad because although he makes fun of me for writing sometimes, he supports it and is excited for mee!(:

Chapter 3

                        “Hey guys…” I asked unsurely as I walked up to Mandi and Avery.

                        “Hey! Sit with us!” She moved closer to Avery and Avery moved over.

                        “Uh...Okay.” I was hesitant on sitting down.

                        “Avery has some things to talk to you about so I am just going to move up a few seats.” Mandi said suspiciously.

                        “Uh okay,” I replied.

            Mandi move up a few seats turned around and gave me a wink. What was she getting me into! Ever since I was a kid, Mandi had always loved drama, and I had always hated it. I was a lot shyer than Mandi. She could stick up for herself and I couldn’t. I would always get picked on and Mandi would be my savior. I feel as if God sent her just for me. Because of being bullied so much and having so many issues with self-image and such, I have always avoided drama so I would be bullied less. Lately, avoiding drama has been a pretty difficult thing.

                        “What do you need?” I asked Avery sternly.

                        “I just want to talk. Mandi told me about you. I know how you hate drama and I get you don’t want me to cause you any drama. I am sorry but I just want to get to know you. You are different from almost any girl. I am different than what most people think I am. I am different than most people. I want to get to know you.” He replied. His speech meant a lot but that did not change how I felt about him. I still wanted to be left alone.

                        “I want to get to know you too…” I said slowly,” But not now. Not until school is over and done with. You caused a lot of stuff in this school and I think I should at least wait for it all to calm down.” I said my reply slowly. When I finished, I saw a sparkle in his eyes. It seemed as though he had a plan. His eyes did the same as Mandi’s when they had an idea. I softly laughed to myself. The bus stopped at the school and I got up fast so I could ditch him. I was not looking forward to whatever he was planning.

                        “How did it go?” Mandi asked as she ran to catch up to me.

                        “He gave me his speech, I rejected.”

                        “Oh Charlotte! Just give the boy a chance!”

                        “You sound like my mother! I will talk to him when the drama dies down.”

                        “Oh you and your drama issues! When you and him are making out, drama won’t matter!” She said giggling.

                        “I am not going to make out with him, first of all. Second, I have to get to class so bye!” I ran off too my locker, quickly grabbed my stuff before Avery came over, and went to my first class of the day, Math.

            Aver happened to be in my math class but thankfully, he sat up front, while I sat in the back. I jotted down notes and tried to block out the looks summer gave me from across the room. Summer, of course was in all of my classes. Avery, was in all of them but Social studies. Mandi was in only gym. With my luck, I was surprised Mandi was even in my gym class.

            The day just became a jumble of notes and horrible looks from Summer. When Lunch came, Avery and Mandi sat with me. I gave Mandi the look like “Why is he here?” But of course she was all bubbly and was trying to get Avery and I to talk.

                        “Listen Mandi, Thanks for doing this, but I don’t need help. She can talk to me when she is ready.” Avery told Mandi. I was thankful for what he said but I could tell he had a trick up his sleeve.

                        “Fine but I am not giving up!” Mandi replied relentlessly.

                        “Mandi-“ I was cut off.

                        “Nope. I don’t want to hear it. I WILL get you two together in love.” The way she said love could make anyone groan. I actually did groan and that made Mandi kick me under the table.

After lunch, I went to my locker and grabbed my stuff for my afternoon classes. Avery walked to my locker with me.

                        “Listen. I know you don’t like me or you don’t like drama or whatever it is. We don’t have to tell people about it. We can go on dates to places that are far from here,” Avery started another speech and he grabbed me hand, staring into my eyes,” I just want a chance..”

            “And I just don’t want dra—“ I was cut off again, but this time, Avery’s soft lips landed on mine. They shook my body with volts of electricity. It was the best kiss I had ever had. I tried to pull away but I couldn’t. He was too strong and I actually didn’t want to pull away.

            He pulled away a few seconds later.

                        “So, you were saying?” He said with a smirk.

            “I said, I didn’t want drama.” I grabbed my stuff, turned on my heels, and walked to my next class. He made me so mad! What guy thought they could just kiss you and you would fall in love with them. He was obviously crazy. Although it was an amazing kiss, and I wanted more of it, I needed to leave him alone. I was sure someone saw him kiss me since we were in the middle of a hallway. They probably already told Summer. She was probably bright read and fuming with smoke shooting out of her ears.

            I walked into Literature and saw Summer shooting daggers with her eyes at me. The teacher wasn’t in the room so she walked up to me.

                        “Listen, bitch, he only kissed you because he felt bad for you.”

                        “I didn’t want the kiss, Summer.”

                        “Bullshit. You probably begged him for it.”

                        “Well if you didn’t always listen to rumors, you would know that I told him to leave me alone about a hundred times.”

                        “Whatever bitch. Not like you guys are ever going to be together.” She turned and walked to her seat just as the teacher Mr. Sprang walked in.

She couldn’t just talk to me like that! When class ended she grabbed all her stuff and I grabbed mine. She didn’t even look at me when she walked by. Thank god I only had one more class until we could leave school. It was even gym so I could hang out with Mandi.

I walked to the gym, and changed into my gym clothes. Mandi changed too and we walked out into the gym together. The whole time it was just volleyball so we played together on the same team and gossiped about Avery. He was on the other team so he didn’t hear us although he kept looking at me.

Gym ended, and I decided to walk home with Mandi. It was a nice summer day and I was trying to avoid Avery. The walk home was quiet until I blurted out, “He kissed me.”



Thanks to everyone! all the feedback has been awesome and im getting more reads than on my first story so I am super excited. Keep the comments comming! 


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