chapter four

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Aerin slowly crawled out from her bed, the feeling of her blankets comfortably laying on her skin lingered behind even after she was out of bed. She realised how she was still in her clothes from last night. Confused, she walks over to her vanity, seeing her reflection in the mirror allowed things to slowly piece itself together. The previous night, she'd done her usual routine of drawing at her desk, explaining the metallic shade of grey that remained on the side of her right hand. Someone must've put her in bed.

She turned her head back over to her bed, realising that Jackson was by her bed, sitting on one of her beige cushioned seats. A small smile found itself up to her lips as she walked over to her brother, placing a hand on his head. Overall, she felt terrible over the chaos that she'd caused last night. Though she couldn't have done much about it anyway. Aerin slowly made her way out of her room, hearing the television as it echoed throughout the halls subtly. She could tell that whoever it was, had turned it down from its original volume to avoid waking those were still asleep.

She made her way down the stairs, going over to the living room. Her eyes were locked to six heads that emerged from the sofa, at different heights. She smiled softly, going over to one of them, tapping their shoulder. Jaebum. "I'll be going off to work in a little bit. Could you wake Jackson up and shift him to his room while I eat breakfast?" Aerin asked quietly, her voice coming out in a whisper, more so than she would've preferred. The male peers over his shoulder, before seeing one of his best friend's sister. Jaebum nods, giving her a small smile before he got up, making his way up the stairs to Aerin's room.

She slowly made her way to the kitchen, making a bowl of oatmeal and fruits for herself before she proceeded to have her breakfast. Aerin found herself wondering what was to be her fate, now that she had agreed to wed one of South Korea's most popular boyband's members. Mark Tuan. The man who, as she had seen from the incessant tabloids and articles online, had fans who would practically kill to be in her shoes. Aerin feared for her life. She was no longer just Jackson's sister. But Mark's fiancée.

Eventually, she found herself in the bathroom, getting dried off before she put on a striped green shirt with black pants and black shoes. She tossed her used clothes into the laundry hamper before making her way out of the door with her belongings, at least what she needed for the day. And there they were. The doorstep of their home in Seoul was now occupied with paparazzi. All of them turned their cameras to her, as their heads looked over their shoulders, catching a glimpse of the newly engaged female.

Aerin felt a presence around her and soon, a figure appeared next to her. "Simon!" Mark called out. Soon enough, going on her tip toes, her eyes meet with those of a tall, muscular built man. An arm coils around her waist as Mark guides her over to the black car that awaited her, as well as the man who she had assumed would be a bodyguard. "Take care of her for me." Mark said with an expression that was unreadable, before she'd realised that the secret that this was all fake was only made known to the boys and herself.

Mark bids her goodbye with w kiss on the cheek before he got back into the house, possibly plopping back unto the couch where he was previously situated. With caution, she enters the black vehicle and as did the man. "Simon, will this be an everyday thing?" She asked carefully as the car ride began smoothly. The man looks at her through the rearview mirror. "Yes Ms Aerin. Ma'am Tuan has requested for this personally, on your fiancee's behalf." He said with a monotonous tone, ensuring he had remained professional.

"You don't have to be so stern with me, you know." She said with a chuckle. And as if her eyes had fooled her, she'd managed to make the man crack a small smile that was soon to be replaced with a strict expression, staying alert as he followed the GPS.

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