chapter seven

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It wasn't difficult for Aerin. At least, this is what she'd convinced herself to think. She expressed herself easily, unlike how it was for her before. She chose to believe that it was because she never felt that she would particularly fit in. Or if she were to pursue her true ambitions, she would either be shut down or rejected by her peers, since her brother was already successful in this field of entertainment. She was afraid, she still is. But most importantly, she was trying to build her own identity.

She couldn't help it that she was so similar to her brother. In various interviews, this would always be a topic. How the Wang siblings were so alike, yet so different. Jackson was loud and energetic. Aerin was soft spoken and calm. But, she'd always be compared to him. No matter how much she tried. With a heavy heart, she slowly placed her hand on the door knob, unlatching it from its locked position, before going to the couch, letting out a heavy sigh. Her stylists and staff immediately came in.

Her manager, Soojin, rushed to her side. "What was that about?" She asked gently, maintaining her authoritative posture, placing a hand on Aerin's shoulder. "It's a little too difficult for me, Unnie." She confessed with a soft chuckle, shaking her head shortly afterwards. "I thought I could handle seeing him around so often.. But it's really hard." Soojin let out a soft sigh once she heard this sentence. It was an episode, she watched so often. To the point where she was no longer surprised. As a woman who has three kids, one of them grazing the age Yugyeom, Bambam and Aerin were at, it was no surprise to her anymore.

"Aerin. I understand, trust me, I really do. But we can't do anything about it, but think of it as a stepping stone. And go forward. There's no point crying over spilt milk." Soojin's expressions were old, showing her age almost immediately that was't that visible by her physical appearance itself. But they were humbling and calm, those of which fitted Aerin comfortably. She nods, letting out a sigh. Within ten minutes, Aerin's makeup was removed and she was changed into more comfortable clothes. She sported a black mask that kept her away from the fine dust that Korea was full of as well as a black cap.

With her belongings in a duffle bag, she slowly made her way to the exit paved out for her, getting into the car that would take her home. Her phone began to vibrate the minute she turned it on, seeing multiple notifications slowly pile in. She furrowed her eyebrows, seeing how she was added into a new chatroom. The only other numbers that were most familiar were Bambam and Yugyeom's. Of course, she'd transferred the boys' contact numbers to her new phone. She couldn't bear the separation, though she chose to fight through it. She barely even got to see her brother often because of what happened between her and Mark.

Bambam : Hey Aerin, we got your number from Jackson. Okay, maybe taking his phone and adding your number to ours doesn't really- Okay you get it. Gyeom and I added you to a group chat with the rest who're around our age! We miss you, let's hang out soon! x Bam

She smiled at the little initial he added at the end of his text message, not knowing that his number had already been saved. She goes over to the group chat, typing in a few words as her greeting.

Aerin : Hello. Please introduce yourselves, all your numbers are unfamiliar. This is Aerin. Nice to meet all of you.

The members, who were so used to their all-male friend circle, were shocked to see that Aerin had joined. Someone, who in the industry, was known to not really be the most vocal. She spoke when she had to, even during variety shows. Aerin felt that she didn't have to fit the stereotype of female idols who had to present themselves in a provocative or cute manner, to earn respect. This vision of hers remained, even with years of growing apart from her humble roots of working at the library. Working hours that were beyond her own, just to stay in her single escape. Where she didn't have to live with the burden of having an idol as a brother.

Then again, it wasn't Jackson's fault. It was never his fault, that his step sister was so ordinary.

Within a few minutes, everyone had introduced themselves, getting past formalities. The group consisted of seven guys, with one female, now Aerin.

BTS' Jungkook. NCT's Jaehyun. GOT7's Bambam and Yugyeom. SVT's Mingyu, Dokyeom and Minghao.

Jaehyun : You should come along the next time we gather, Aerin. That's where most of us relieve stress. The company we give each other distracts us from the struggles and difficulties.

Yugyeom : Okay, let's not make this too sappy. She just got here.

Aerin : That sounds good. I'll see you guys around. I'm going to bed. Goodnight.

With her short responses, she put her phone away, realising that she'd arrived home. Entering her beige-themed bedroom, she plugged her phone into its charger before unpacking her belongings from the event. Afterwards, she proceeded to wash up then climb back into bed, letting out a sigh.

The thoughts from when everything was so hectic flooded back into her head. The days where she didn't even have a name. Days when all she had to do was hold Mark's hand, and smile up at him like they knew each other. Days when she'd slowly gotten used to the feeling of having someone by her side. Where she got on knowing that this would be a better way for her to live her life, in a lie. But of course, Aerin knew that it wasn't right to lie. They revealed to the public that the engagement brought them to realise how things just weren't working for them.

And that the future, for them as a couple, was unclear and would only cause them pain, not the comfort that the two individuals longed for most deeply.

She thinks back to when she used to write entries about the male. And how he'd eventually found them out. How he'd realised how the female had already fallen for him. Aerin, a girl who never knew this emotion of love, fell so hard for Mark. The guy who was too cold and stubborn to come to a proper conclusion about his own feelings. But of course, like any other movie, the fake engagement brought emotions. Emotions that felt too real. Too scary, for someone like Aerin. And now, she'd find herself stuck in the same bubble repeatedly, every time her eyes found his. It was a heartbreak even authors could never accurately describe.


Aerin sat with her legs crossed, covering her mouth as she chewed into the mic, unsure if she was actually doing it properly. Sitting beside her was Jimin. The english-speaking emcee from After School Club, who had a voice that was able to speak for itself. Her personality easily paired up with Aerin's. For they were so alike, but so different. Jimin was more vibrant and outgoing. Agan, Aerin was reserved. The comparison was the same for everybody. But it was comfortable.

Jimin broke out into laughter the minute Aerin put her hand into the rubber glove that immediately made a sound similar to that of a fart. A soft bleep goes off before Jimin was handed a pair of obnoxiously large glasses.

The shoot went on smoothly, as usual. That is until they reached the dressing room. And there were the boys. GOT7. The boys that Aerin had learned to avoid. Even her own brother.

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