Chapter 41

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The next morning when Bastian came out to eat breakfast, he informed the girls that he was going to be in class all morning.

"I only have two days to perfect my dancing, diplomacy, and politics. Which means that my tutors will never be able to squeeze enough into forty-eight hours," he said, chewing on a piece of bread and kicking his feet up into an empty chair. "Unfortunately, you all will have to come along with me. Apparently there's been rumors circulating about not having my servants actually work, and we can't have that. After all, what am I paying you all for? To sit around in your rooms, laughing while I take care of myself?"

"We wouldn't dream of taking your money without doing our absolute best to serve you, your highness," Meegan said in a calm voice, dipping her head in reverence.

Cole quirked an eyebrow. It looked like Bastian was back to playing the spoiled rotten prince, who punished on whims and blamed others for his own actions. As hard as she looked at him, she couldn't see any evidence of the man who had promised to talk to her mother or the one who had been whipped by his father. She could see now how he was able to trick so many people into thinking he was just another version of his father.

As she was staring, his gaze met hers. She thought he'd glare back at her like he always did, but instead his eyes skittered away and he unfolded his legs from the chair. He got to his feet and sighed dramatically, walking back to his bedchamber as he stretched his arms over head.

"Wait here while I get dressed, and then we're off to learn the latest in fashionable dances," he said, slamming the door behind him. Muffled from within, they heard him still talking. "Have to be the perfect trap for the unsuspecting maidens that will come pouring into the den. The most valuable ones will be from only the most civilized of countries, and we must be able to entertain them to the most high degree."

It became obvious then that he was paraphrasing someone, most likely a courtesan like the Countess, who had been the one to warn him about the rumors and set him back on the path of his princely duties. Cole wondered if the young soldier from the dungeons had spoken after all, and the secret of Bastian's night with her in the dungeons had gotten out. Even if they didn't expect treason, it would surely reflect badly on his marriage prospects if rumors escaped of him gallivanting with a servant girl while the palace slept. 

Bastian reappeared a moment later dressed in a pale blue shirt that made his hair seem even blacker than before. He smelled of lavender and his hair was damp from an attempt at making it behave. Without a word he walked past the girls and out the door, and they followed after him.

They soon found themselves in a ground floor room spilling over with sunlight. Tall windows lined two of the walls, facing directly toward the rising sun, and gauzy curtains diffused the light until it felt like they were bathed in gold. There was only a few coaches along the wall, but other the room was empty of furniture. A golden-wheat colored flooring stretched out in glossy glory, the main feature of the floor. It wasn't a ballroom, as it was far too small, but it was a perfect place for learning to dance.

An older woman swooped Bastian up into the lessons as soon as they entered, and the girls filtered over to sit on the coaches while they waited for him. Cole soon lost interest in seeing Bastian hunched over the incredibly short teacher, trying to learn the complicated figures of a court dance, and lost herself in thoughts that troubling turned to Tanwyn.

He'd come so close to her. She had almost trusted him... She'd almost wanted that closeness to be forever. It had felt too much like running through a volley of arrows and hoping not to be hit. Impossible and dangerous and stupid. He was an ancient fae, all too familiar with how to trick and manipulate humans. She could probably trust him less than the prince, and that was how it had to stay.

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