Chapter 43

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The day of the prince's ball arrived with a whirlwind of activities that sent the entire castle into an uproar. The servants went without sleep the night before, and during the day they were rushing from room to room cleaning, carrying furniture and dishes, and desperately trying to help the cook make sure that all the food was finished in time. Guests had been arriving since moonrise the night before, and all day they kept coming in a stream of carriages and and horses. Cole watched them from a window high in the castle, astounded by the sheer amount of people who could fit into the many rooms that graced the king's personal abode.

Each entourage had at least one girl set on display, ready to attract the attention of the prince. They all wore gowns more splendid than Cole could ever dream of, even despite having to travel from long distances and foreign countries. As per the king's order, they all wore veils over their faces, shielding their beauty from the eyes of everyone who was not Bastian. He would be the first in the country to see their faces on the night of his ball, displayed like meats in a shop for him to choose. But even with their faces covered, Cole could tell that she would never hold a candle to their beauty. From all over the world, they held mystery and charm, ready to capture Bastian's attention. She had only toughness from the Sparkstone mines and a murderous determination, but it would have to be enough. She only needed a moment with him away from the crowd. A moment and it would all be over.

But for now, she was still a servant and she was just as responsible for setting up the castle as everyone else. So she spent hours dragging chairs into the grand ballroom, readying the space for the business of marriage hunting that would come soon enough. Bastian's other maids, all except Meegan, were also rounded up to help with general chores, so Cole had no idea of what was happening to the prince while they worked. Hopefully he was blissfully unaware of the plans she had lurking in her mind, and he wouldn't suspect her when the time came.

By dinner time, the castle was mostly ready. The guests had all arrived and were busy dining with Bastian in the great hall, far removed from the servants who ate a hurried meal of gruel and ale in the kitchens. Cole scarfed down her bowl without even tasting it, and was instead focused on the task that was soon going to be upon her.

Her hands shook as she got up and headed toward the door. She would have to go outside if Tanwyn was going to contact her with the weapon he wanted her to use, and she decided now was as good a time as she would get.

As she pushed open the door, she almost walked directly into Mistress, who was headed indoors.

"Oh. There you are. I wish to speak to you," Mistress said.

Cole glanced back at the other servants, but everyone was too exhausted to think of watching what others were doing. So she slipped out into the night air and followed Mistress as she walked away from the palace and the power of the crystal that could sense magic.

"The time is almost upon us," Mistress said, turning to face Cole with an expression that neither comforted nor shared in impending fear of what might unfold in just a few hours. Mistress was nothing but a blank face, as always, and Cole hated her a bit for that.

"Where is Tanwyn? Shouldn't he be coming to tell me what I need to do? He said he'd give me a weapon."

"Tanwyn is... indisposed right now," Mistress said. "He tasked me with preparing this last stage of the mission."

Cole frowned. "He couldn't even come and talk to me before I risk my life and everything I love for his stupid quest?"

Mistress ignored this and instead reached into the pocket of her austere gray dress. She drew out a new ring, and Cole recognized it as the one Tanwyn had worn when he had taught her magic back in Avallen. It was fully charged and when she took it from Mistress, she felt a buzz of electricity run down her arm as it fit over her finger.

"That is for your escape, and to glamor yourself," Mistress explained. "Only use it for those purposes."

She then untied a small fabric bag that had been hung around her waist. Cole hadn't noticed it until right then, but something about it felt strange. She saw why when Mistress opened it and pulled a small blade from its depths. This wasn't any blade. It seemed to suck the light from the air around them, as if it was a shadow made into corporeal form. The blade was thin and straight, the same length as its narrow wooden handle. It was only about the size of her hand, but it would be enough to slice someone's neck open or puncture their heart.

"It has enchantments on it," Mistress said. "Nothing fancy, but it should hide itself from anyone looking for it. After that, the blade is made to always slide true. You won't be able to miss with this and it should get the job done." She dropped the blade into Cole's hand.

Cole stared at it a moment, fighting her urge to drop it onto the ground. It was obviously made with death in mind, and the feeling seeped into her skin from its cold blade. She did not want it on her person, but she also knew she would need it if she wanted to kill the prince and restore her life to what it should have been.

"That's it?" she asked, glancing up at Mistress.

"This is the invitation to the ball," Mistress said. "Present it at the front door and they will let you in."

"All right," Cole said, taking a thick envelope from Mistress' hand. In midnight ink it read 'Lady Myra'' on the front in scrolling letters.

"All you have to do is glamor yourself as one of the eligible ladies, lure the prince away from the crowds, and kill him," Mistress said. "Then you have to only use your magic to transport out of the palace. Tanwyn will meet you once you're out."

Cole drew in a long and shaky breath. "I've got it," she finally said.

"Then I'll be on my way," Mistress said. "Good luck. Show King Thijs the power of those he seeks to destroy."

Cole nodded but that was the end of the conversation. Mistress walked off, back toward the dorms, while Cole closed her eyes for a brief moment to catch her breath. She slowed her racing heart as much as possible before heading back to the kitchens and the rest of the staff. It would still be a few hours until she could enchant herself and join the guests in the ballroom. 

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