Chapter 6

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Liv's POV:
Me and Tom had spent the past two hours laid in bed talking about our lives and I felt an actual connection with him now and I had started to fall for Tom but I couldn't tell him not yet I mean we haven't known each other for long he would think I'm crazy.

"Do you have work" Tom asks me as I sit up playing with my hair

"Not today" I smile

"Would you like to go out for some breakfast?" He asks and I just smile at him

"Yeah that would be brilliant" I smile replying to him

"Get dressed into something nice" he tells me standing up and leaving the bedroom leaving me to get ready.

I didn't know what he meant by nice because it's like 7am how was I supposed to dress nice but he always wore a suit so perhaps I should wear something to match him so I head right to my closet where I grab out a classy black dress that was just above my knee.

Once I place it on and lightly curl my hair and put on some light make up on before I make up way out of the bedroom and into the hallway where I see Tom standing in a full suit on his phone

"You look perfect" he smiles taking my hand as I smile he pulls me close and kisses my lips quickly

"What shoes should I wear?" I ask looking at him with a frown as I didn't know where he was taking me

"If you have them" he nods so I reach down to grab my black heels that I had by the front door as I put them on. "Let's go" He smiles taking my hand.

Me and Tom then make our way down the stairs of my shitty apartment block and out onto the street where I see a black Mercedes parked with a driver standing by the door as he opens it when he sees Tom.

"Good morning Mr Holland" he smiles as Tom nods before helping you into the car before climbing in himself, inside the car had bottles of champagne and glasses for the use of drinking.

"Wow this is posh" I laugh as Tom picks up a glass and hands it to me before opening the bottle of champagne and pouring it in the glass I held "Tom it's like 7:30 in the morning"

"So what darling you need to live a little" he winks as I just smile taking a sip of the champagne when Tom rolls the window down slightly before lighting a cigar and taking a long drag

"So where are we off to?" I ask looking at Tom as he smiles

"Well it's just my place but it's a family breakfast and I never have arm candy as nice as you it's kind of a monthly tradition" he smiles and I just beem with happiness Tom is taking me to meet his family

"I'm meeting your family?"

"Yes" He says not even looking at me his eyes fixated outside as we drove down county lanes

"Will your mother be there?" I questions

"Yes, now she'll ask what we are so let me talk Okay?" He mumbles taking another drag from the cigar

"Okay" I say slouching back and taking another sip of the champagne as I looked out the window at the beautiful countryside until we turned down a long driveway where I saw a beautiful mansion. "This is your house!" I gasp

"Yes my brothers like to squat here as well but it's my house" he sighs as we pull up at the front door a maid opens the door of the car as Tom gets out his hand is reached out as I take it he helps me out of the car.

As I look up I see how beautiful his house really was and he seemed to have many staff by the looks of things, Tom puts out his cigar before taking my arm and linking it with his as we walk inside arms linked.

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