Chapter 14

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Liv's POV;
It was the morning we were all leaving to go to Italy but I hadn't stayed at Tom's place as I had to pack all my things and I needed to say goodbye to Harrison I hadn't seen him on a while so he stayed the night.

"Are you seriously going away with him?" Harrison asks as I pack my case full of things.

"His family are there too" I scoff, I frown to him as he just rolls his eyes at me "Why are you rolling your eyes"

"His family aren't exactly the best, they're just as bad as him possibly worse. Just think about Harry and how he acted with you" Harrison stands there with his arms crossed.

I just look at him frowning there at me, I just sigh at Harrison throwing the clothes I have in my hand down on the bed frustrated with him.

"Why do you hate him so much?" I ask my hands on my hips.

"He's a fucking drug dealer Liv! He has ruined so many peoples lives with his drugs and now he's got you trapped and in love with him so next thing I know you're going to be gone as well!"

"I'm not going to take drugs!"

"I'm not saying you will! I'm just saying Tom is dangerous and he's killed before Liv doesn't mean he won't kill you"

"Oh Harrison grow up" I scoff "Tom wouldn't hurt me"

"Whatever Liv, I just don't want you to get hurt"

"I won't get hurt, Harrison I'm going to be fine I know how to protect myself and I understand that you're worried but I promise you Tom won't hurt me"

"I'm just worried about you" he sighs

I take a seat next to Harrison on the bed my hand onto his thigh, I lay my head onto his shoulder as I let out a sigh.

"I will never let Tom hurt me" I smile kissing his cheek. "I promise I'll call you"

"Thank you" He smiles hugging me tightly.

Once my case is packed I zip it up with Harrison's help before there is a knock at the door and Tom walks in like I had told him too.

"Hello" Tom smiles as I walk closer to him kissing his lips before hugging him tightly. "Hello Harrison"

Tom and Harrison have an awkward handshake exchange. They really didn't like each other but I knew they only put up with one another for me Harrison hated him so much. Tom wasn't his biggest fan but once again they only liked one another for me.

"Well have a lovely holiday and call me when you're back" Harrison smiles as he hugs me I hug him back tightly.

"I'll speak to you soon" I smile.

Harrison pulls away and looks to Tom with a frown on his face.

"Keep her safe" he says through gritted teeth before he walks out of my apartment.

Tom looks to me sighing before rolling his eyes at Harrison. I just giggle at him before grabbing my case and standing close to him.

"What time is the flight?"

"Just come with me?" He winks before taking my case in one hand and my hand in the other.

We walk from my apartment down the stairs and into the classic limo Tom would get around in. We were the only ones in the limo but I did expect the rest of his family to be here. I just assumed we would meet them at the airport.

"Champagne darling?" He asks holding a bottle up to me, I grab a glass and nod to him as he pours some into my glass. "Are you excited?"

"I'm nervous to spend time with your family really if I'm honest"

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