Chapter 29

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Liv's POV:
This was it, my Wedding day.

All around my I was surrounded by Lucas family and I felt awful. I didn't want to marry him I just couldn't let them down, I wanted to be with Tom of course I did why wouldn't I?

"And done" Lucas sister smiles as she finishes my hair, she was a hairdresser and well I loved my hair it was up but still made me feel beautiful. I done my own make up and it was simple but well that's how I always dressed.

"You look beautiful" Harrison smiles with Jess at his side. She nods at me with a huge smile on her face as well, I loved Jess she was perfect for Harrison.

"Harrison can you come here fast"

I pull him into a side room and I knew I had to tell him what had been happening for the passed few days and why I hadn't seen him at all.

"What's up cold feet?" He asks as we walk into the side room.

"I've spent the passed few weeks with Tom" I sigh before looking up to him and well his face was shocked to say the least.

"Where? How? I thought you blocked him" He trails on and on.

"We bumped into one another and well cut a story short I love him H I really do" I felt as if I could cry I did love Tom and I only gave him up because I knew I couldn't make him happy as he wanted to be.

"Then why are you marrying Lucas?"

"I love Tom but I've broken his heart now he won't want me back I told him we don't work and I don't want to be with him"

"If theirs anything I know about Tom he'll never stop loving you no matter what, just call him I'll distract anything I can do" He smiles kissing my cheek before leaving me alone.

I take my phone out of my dressing gown pocket before dialling his number and putting the phone to my ear. It rings and rings until

"You're through to Tom Holland's answering machine the person you're calling can't get to the phone right now. Leave a message after the tone"

"Tom, It's me. I've made a mistake and I need to know if you love me back like you said you always will, if you don't call me back in the hour then i'll take it as you don't want me and I'll marry Lucas but I am truly sorry Thomas" I hang up

It has been over an hour now and it was nearly time to walk down the aisle. I really hoped Tom would call but he didn't so I guess that was that.

I was just about to put my dress on and wow it was gorgeous. I looked in the mirror and felt beautiful for once I really did but I wish it was for Tom I wish he was stood at the end of the aisle.

"You look beautiful" Lucas family gush over me and I was honoured.

"Thank you" I smiled.

Harrison was waiting to walk me down the aisle and as I walk out he looks at me and just smiles.

"You're beautiful" He smiles before kissing my cheek and I just smile at him back. "You ready to do this?"

I nod as we walk to the doors that were about to open up for us. The doors open and the music begins and I can see Lucas facing away before turning his head and smiling tears in his eyes.

Me and Harrison walk arm in arm and I was so so nervous

"He didn't reply Huh?" Harrison whispers to me and I just shake my head "It's for the best kiddo"

This was it I was at Lucas I kiss Harrison's cheek before he hands me over to Lucas where he pecks my cheek too.

"You look beautiful"

"Not too bad yourself" I smile back to him.

We turn to the pastor and he begins the normal talks. It was strange because my mind was everywhere else but here all I could think about was Tom and why he maybe didn't want to see me anymore it was all my fault.

"If anyone should object to this marriage please speak now or forever hold their peace"

There was such silence and I kinda hoped Tom would burst through the door but he didn't.

"In that case, Do you Lucas James Mcdonald take thee Elizabeth Jane White to be your lawful wedded wife?"

"I do" He smiles

"And do you Elizabeth Jane White take thee Lucas James Mcdonald to be your lawful wedded husband"

"I do" I smile

"You may kiss the bride"

Lucas leans in and kisses my lips and I hold him close to me as he was all I had now.

We were now sat at the reception me and Lucas sat at the head table and everyone was enjoying themselves and dancing as the meals where done. There were around 100 people here including friends of course most of them are Lucas.

I looked around the room at Lucas dancing with his family and he looked happy and it did make me smile. As my eyes dart around the room they fall on the door opening and walking in it was Tom.

I shot up and walked right over to him I felt so happy to see him.

"Am I too late?" He smiles as I pull him into a tight hug.

"You came" I smile, I knew that Lucas would be curious if he saw us so I pulled Tom out of the room and into the bathroom locking the door behind us.

"I really wanted to be here before you got married but I had doubts you'd change your mind and I just had to see you to see if you were sure about this marriage"

"I want you and I want to be with you"

"Then Leave right now with me" He says grabbing my hands and looking at me. "We can get onto a plane right now Liv"

My mind was messed up do I leave? Or do I stay?

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