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-Ryan's P.O.V-

"We're low on food." Ari says, "Someone has to go shopping."
"We went last time." Shelby says
"And we went the time before." Callum says
"Well someone needs to go." She says
"Can't Ivory just, poof, food appear?" Lauren asks
"I have illusions, you'll be eating air." She says
"What's so bad about going shopping?" Nessie asks
"Every time someone goes grocery shopping someone gets kidnapped or something." Scott says
"Draw straws?" Grey asks
"Sure. Scott, Callum, Shelby and Lauren, you still have to play." Ari says. Rose, Amber, Sunny, Emerald, Sapphire, Violet, Grey, Ivory, Reni, Dragon, Beta, Nessie put their weapon cubes on the table.
"We need two more." Ivory says. Ari turns her dagger into a cube and puts it down, Luna does the same.
"Amber, Sunny, you first." Ari says, "My dagger is the short straw." They agree on a cube and open it.
"Yessss!" Amber says as Ivory's axe appears in her hand.
"Beta, Dragon." They pick up a cube and open it, revealing Rose's trident.
"Callum, Scott." Scott picks up a cube and hands it to Callum. He opens it revealing Emerald's whip.
"Cool whip." Callum says
"Give it to me." She says. Stella picks up a cube and hands it to Eden. It opens to be Violets sword.
"You wanna pick?" Emerald asks turning to Sapphire.
"Can't you guys identify your own cubes?" I ask
"Each cube has its own signature that makes it recognizable, but we're ignoring it." Sapphire says. She picks up a cube and opens it.
"Aye, Grey's bow." Emerald says. Grace picks up a cube and opens it to reveal a dagger.
"Oh yay, can we go now?" Dragon asks
"Nope, that's not my dagger, that's Amber's." Ari says. Dragon groans.
"Grey, Ivory, go." River says impatiently. Ivory opens a cube and gets Luna's sword.
"How do I open this?" Lizzie asks. Ivory takes it and opens it.
"Saph's sword." She says. Lauren picks up a cube and hands it to Reni for them to open. Reni looks at her hesitantly.
"That's Ari's, isn't it?" She asks
"Yup." They say
"No take backs." Ari says
"Dang it." Lauren says. We all take back our cubes and run away before we can be roped into going shopping.

"My bet is they're gonna be kidnapped." Beta says
"Beta." Nessie says
"Sorry." Beta says, even though she's clearly not.
"Nessie, target practice?" Dragon asks
"Don't you have a thing on you bow so you never miss?" She asks
"No, that's Beta." He says
"I don't have a bow." Beta says, "It's a dagger."
"Potato, potato." He says
"Don't you mean-"
"What about tom-"
"Just leave it." Nessie says, "I'll do target practice." She pulls out her wand and shoots and icy blue beam out of it. It hits Dragon, freezing him in a block of ice.
"Oops." She says, "I guess I do need target practice." The ice block melts and Dragon shoots a beam of fire at Nessie. She blocks it with a shield of water.
"Hey! No burning down the house." Ari says
"It's an apartment." Dragon says
"No burning down the apartment." She says
"We're in the basement. Wait, how does that even work?" He says
"It's a magic staircase that makes fifteen flights of stairs feel like one." She says
"We've been going down fifteen flights of stairs this whole entire time? Damn." Scott says
"No burning down anything." Ari says
"What if we get kidnapped and I need to burn something down to escape?" He asks
"That's an exception." She says
"So all I need to do is get kidnapped and I-"
"DRAGON!" Ari says. He gets frozen in another block of ice.
"Anyways." Nessie says. The ice block melts.
"You know I can-"
"Beta, do your thing." Nessie says. He gets trapped in a giant bubble.
"Hey!" He says banging against the side.
"Can you make it sound stopping?" She asks. He continues yelling, but no sound comes out.
"As I was saying." She says, "Actually, I don't know what I was saying."
"Wait, I'm getting a call for help." Emerald says
"That's a new record." River jokes
"Do you know where they are?" Ari asks. A giant, holographic map appears in front of her. On the edge of town, there's a red dot flashing.
"There." She says
"Ok, everyone, hang on to someone, we're teleporting." Ari says

-(Sorta) Reni's P.O.V-

"Hi Reni." The girl says walking towards me. She walks up to me until her face is almost touching mine, "Remember me?" I back up and look at her.
"Sasha?" I say, "But that's impossible, you're dead."
"I'm not dead as long as someone remembers me." She says, "I figured, the person who killed me would remember me."
"No, I didn't-"
"Oh sure you did. This is all your fault." She says, "I trusted you and you let me down."
"No, I-"
"Don't try to convince yourself you didn't, we both know you did." She says. More of her appear, "Face it Reni, you killed us." I put my hands over my ears and push through the crowd, they all chase after me.
"You killed us." They say chasing me. More appear in front of me.
"Stop!" I shout. Lauren appears next to me.
"Reni?" She says
"Lauren." I say, she looks at the people surrounding us.
"You killed me Reni." Sasha says
"I didn't mean to I-" Lauren and I say at the same time.
"You killed me." Sasha repeats again. All of them disappear except one. She starts bleeding, "You did this."
"No, I didn't, I-" We both say at the same time. She disappears.
"SASHA!" I yell
"BOBBY!" Lauren yells at the same time.
"Who's Bobby?" I ask
"He was my boyfriend." She says, "Who's Sasha?"
"She was my girlfriend." I say
"Was?" She asks
"Yeah, things happened." I say. Sasha appears again.
"Hello Reni." She says
"Don't talk to me." She says, "You don't have the right to do that after you killed me." I look next to me, Lauren's gone.
"Sasha I didn't mean to, I swear." I say
"Like you didn't mean to do everything else." She says
"No, I didn't mean to." I say
"It doesn't matter if you didn't mean to, you killed me."

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