Chapter 5

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He stared at me wide eyed.

"Can you see peoples life-spans too?" L asked.

"I don't know, I've never tried." Then I looked above him and concentrated and his name and lifespan popped up.

"But sense I saved you L I guarantee you will have a long life." Then I thought about Mellow and Near, how will they fit into the story now... IVE GOT IT!!!

"L, you know how I said your in an anime serese?"


"Well there are two characters that come into the story right after you died and it wouldn't be right without them."

"What are you getting at Sara?"

"I need to you fake death..."

"But why, sense Kira ran off they cant catch him."

"You said he has accomplices...." I guess he doesn't wanna play dead,

"Er you don't have to if you don't want too..."

"No I'll do it. I'll put cameras in nears headquarters."

"H-How did you know it was Near?"

"I cant think of anyone else better suited to take my place as L."

"What about mellow?"

"No, he always got emotionally involved with stuff and his anger got the best of him..."

You can say that right. He kidnapped Misa Misa in the show.

"If I do what you say and 'Fake Death' where will I go."

"Your defiently out of it today L, your not thinking things through."


"You are gonna hide wherever you have been hiding for all the years you were annonoymus tipping."

"Oh right," he says while eating random anime ice cream.

What about the panda crackers that fell on the floor?

Wow this story is getting really messed up with me here...

Rewritten l Death Note Fanfiction lWhere stories live. Discover now