Ch. 26: Take It Off

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and sucking on my nipples one at a time. Making me whimper in satisfaction.

"This is the only body that I want."

Body... But not me. I let that sink in that all he wants was physical, and with some extent I was okay with that. As long as he continued to travel down the path across my stomach, down to my throbbing middle.

His eyes are wild, as he looks at me dangerously. He sticks out his tongue down to my middle that's covered with my new pair of panties that I put on. He licks at the already wet spot from my arousal, and continues to tease me. Every nerve in my body tingles at him, as I grab on the sheets from my bed to brace myself from this man. "Don't stop." I moan out.

"Never." He says against me. He rips off my second pair of underwear, and I don't have it in me to scold him when he laps his tongue down my middle immediately. He takes my clît, and sucks on it hard as he starts to push in two fingers in my entrance.

Every being in my body vibrated against him when he touched. He was the only one that can make me this way. The only one that will ever be allowed to touch me in this way and I grant it. He was a natural at everything, whiles to me it came automatic when I was with him. Maybe we didn't belong to each other, but our bodies did, as they gravitated to each other.

He bites at my lips, making my legs shake erratically. His mouth was the dirtiest, yet the purest thing on this earth. The tip of his tongue flicks up hitting my sweet spot, as he adds a third finger into my entrance. His fingers curl up hitting my walls over and over. I come instantly when the tip of his tongue elopes my whole clit.

My body felt like it was in the clouds the way he roughly moved my body around the way he wanted me to move.

He grabs both of my thighs, and flips us over so I'm straddling his face. My breathing is completely gone, as I found myself shaking my hips against his mouth. His tongue peeks into my entrance as I ride his mouth fully. "What-what-" I try to form a sentence, but I can't.

"Trust me, it feels good." He mumbles against me, sending chills down my spine. I look down to see his eyes of pure lust. I rock my hips against his mouth hesitantly at first, his tongue dipping in and out of my entrance, and up towards my clit once again. Jake hums in me, creating vibrations through my entrance.

He smacks on one of my butt cheeks, groaning in the process. I've never thought of doing it this way, but as I thrust into him, and my hands grasp at my headboard that shakes, I orgasm one more time from his tongue alone.

His tongue was heavenly, he knew what he was doing. The way he grasps my thighs, and his fingers in me, made me lose my breath even more so. The pleasure went through me, and I was in and out of euphoria.

He grasp my thighs again, and pushes me to the side. He jumps on top of me quickly, reconnecting our lips swiftly. I feel his member against my stomach leaking precum slowly. His thumb brushes over one of my nipples, my moans getting swallowed by his tongue and teeth that nip at me. It was raining hard outside, but inside my bedroom it was humid as can be as I laced my fingers against his sweaty hair.

His breathing was no longer any where near normal. My small hands, find his low waist as I try to bring him closer.

Our skin touches in the most delirious way as his member presses agaisnt my mound. My body was ready for him, but my mind wasn't, we were too close, way too close... I didn't want to stop, but at the same time I did.

My thumb brushes against his head continuously. "I'm going to come." He mumbles in my neck.

"Wait." I say in hushed tone as I try to pry his lips off mine. "I'm ready..." No conviction was in me, as one of hands traveled down between us to his length to pump him a couple times.

His mouth opens, and he mutters curse words at me. He grabs my wrist that was pumping him steadily, and puts it against my headboard. "What?" He asks me.

"I want to have sex. Please." I beg. My mind was screaming no! What are you doing! But my mouth was saying take me away. I wanted him inside, his hot come all over my body.

He stops the movements of his hips, confusion displayed on his marvelous face. I cup his cheek towards me. My other hand reaches out to cup his length guiding it towards my entrance. His head leaks of precum, and I feel the stretch as I begin to enter it. My mouth opens agape, but it doesn't last long as he backs away from me.

"I don't have a condom on me." He says.

Wow. I was ready to have unprotected sex with him, and I wasn't even thinking about it. "I'm so stupid." I cover my face with my hands. This was all too much.

"No, no you're not." He chuckles. "And even if I did have a condom, I want you to be absolutely sure that you are ready." He grabs my hands that are on my face. "You're in a horny state, love."

We somehow got out of my bed, towards my shower. His boxers lay in the washer down stairs, to get them clean.

He holds me to him so naturally, and I already feel his member again harder against me. Automatically, I go on my knees, my lips press against his head as I begin to suck. "I didn't let you come yet." I whisper against his length. He falls against my shower wall. My hands wrap again the rest of him, and I suck in my cheeks for him to come again in my mouth.

"Fuck you're so good." He moans out, while jerking his hips forward down my mouth.

He pulls me to him again. No other man can do this to me, to make me feel wanted or needed. To make me go on my knees to make him release just as much as I have. But here I am, in his arms, as he breathes from his high, and I the same.

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