Ch. 56: Unforgettable

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Unforgettable- French Montana feat: Swae Lee

"It's not good enough for me, since I've been with you."


"Fuck I am so dirty." I groan out, as I the sweat starts to dry on my skin.

"We are so dirty." He corrects me with his scratchy voice. He chuckles, and lifts his head from the crook of my neck.

"We should have used a condom." I worry. Though I know he pulled out before he came, I can't help but stress that we were way too risky. I wasn't even thinking about it until I realized he came on my chest.

"I know. I'm sorry, you know I don't have anything-."

"It's not that." I interrupt him.

His eyes are blown out and wild. Along with his hair that's still damp and messy from my hands alone.

"I can't ever risk getting pregnant this young."

"I know. Believe me I know." He shakes his head to me. "I never want kids."




"Because I don't." He scoffs. "Is that a problem?" He raises his brows to me.

It's kind of hard to really know what Jake's thinking at times. Considering he covers his emotions with sunglasses, and his earlier rudeness when we met again. Maybe the fact he never elaborates what he thinks. Or maybe he won't even tell me his goddamn birthday. "No. It's not. Not now at least." My eyes look down at his neck.

"What's that suppose to mean?" He moves the slightest above me, trying to reconnect our eyes.

"It means we don't have to have a serious discussion right now considering we're only 17." I spit out. His jaw clenches, and I can tell he wants to tell me off, but he decides not to. "We also shouldn't have this discussion right now considering all your dead children are on my chest." He cracks a grin, but he covers it with a cough. "And if that's the case, we need to use condoms always."

"Or you can go on birth control?" He probes me.

"Why do I have to change my body for sex?" I groan out.

"In order to feel my skin against yours, duh." He connects our foreheads together.

"We can use ultra thin condoms?"

"I already do, you would have noticed except you sat on my cock, and now we are laying in my semen."

"Ew, don't talk like that." I lift my head up with laughter.

"It's true." He says in a singsong voice.

"So if it is, we should go take a shower."

"We?" He smirks.

One minute we are in a brink of an argument, and the next we are talking about semen, and now we are talking about showers. What is wrong with us?

"Or I." I move my hands on his shoulders, signaling him to get off me. "You can sit here in filth as I take a long hot amazing shower." I get off the bed, and I can feel him watch me like a hawk. I turn around the slightest; only glancing at him, and his growing length again. How the hell he has this much agility is beyond me. "You coming?"

"I will be." He murmurs as he follows me to the restroom.

I turn the water on; the steaming taking over the entire bathroom. I can tell he's here. His chest presses into my back. His breathing increasing, and so does mine. His hand reaches over me, and plays with my clit. The moisture taking over his middle finger. I bite my lip into holding the moan. His lips encases around my neck, leaving sweet kisses to my jaw. I hold onto the shower door, my knees nearly buckling. "Get in." He whispers in my ear. I turn to him fully, my eyes on his neck. He tilts my head back, and kisses me fully. He lifts me by my hips, and makes me wrap my legs around his torso. He steps into the shower, and the water begins to drench us. One of his hands holds a yellow packet. He hands it to me, as he presses me into the shower wall.

Yeah, I do need to start on birth control. I like the way he feels without it, and as his length begins to grow more, I feel him press against me, causing me to moan. I rip it open, and slowly unfold it. He sets me down on my feet, and slowly I fold it onto his length. He groans louder when I pump him a few times. He lifts me again. His head pressing into my entrance. I feel myself scream at the stretch, but I moan as he begins to pull me up and down to create a rhythm.

He kisses me again, covering my gasps and his too. "You like me fucking you, do you?" He says in between kisses.

I nod my head.

He pushes a long hard one. Disconnecting our lips. "I'm sorry what was that?" His voice demanding.

I can't answer, as he has a spot that has made me moan beyond anything I've felt. He pushes harder. But then it all disappears. He sets me down again, and in a few seconds I'm on the shower door. My face and chest pressed against the cold surface, and enters my entrance again from behind. His thrust now slow and torturous. "I want you to say it out loud!" He screams in my ear; his teeth grazing my lobe.

Though his thrust are slow, his hands are rough; along with his breathing. "Say it!" He demands further, picking up speed. Making my skin turn red, as he pounds into me. I have to hold on the top of the shower door to keep still. Our skin slapping together is the only sound.

The pleasure in cases me whole. "Yes." I whisper between my moans.

He turns me back around. "What was that? I need you to say it louder, love? I want everyone to hear how much you love me fucking you."

"Yes." I cry, as he brings his member out, his head kissing my clit. I feel empty, but the pleasure keeps me pleased.

"Louder." He demands. One hand holds his length against my clit, causing the bundle of nerves to nearly explode.

I'm about to open my mouth, but he enters me again, causing tears to fall down my cheeks. Too much pleasure. Too much.

He pounds harder into me. My legs give out, but he holds them before they fall. My hands fall on his shoulders, and his hands are on my cheek and on my neck. "Louder." he repeats.

"Yes!" I scream when he hits another bundle of nerves inside me, causing me to come. "Yes! I love you fucking me!" His thumb comes to my clit again, swirling it around, and I feel a double climax. His thrusts are relentless, though they become sloppy. His breathing ragged but clear as he thrusts one final long and hard one up into me. His climax reaching his peak. I would gladly want his come inside me.

Definitely need to get on birth control.

He stays inside me for a minute, reveling in my heat. He pulls out, causing me to wince slightly. Worry crosses his face. "You alright, love?" His hand is on my jaw to look at him.

I laugh airly.

"What?" His voice scratchy.

"How can you be so demanding at one second, and then sweet the next." I smile to him. My voice hurts really bad from the screaming.

His eyes are amused. He presses his forehead to mine. "Cause now I know you love me fucking you." I swat his arm. "I told you even from the beginning. I'm kinky."

"Just a little."

"Just a little? You want me to be more-."

"No- no. I mean yes, if you want to. You're perfect." I stammer.

"You are too." He says.

"I love you so much." I breathe out.

His smile widens. "You don't know how much I love you." I love that he has become more comfortable with the word love.

He kisses me sweetly one last time before we start the actual showering process. The first step is discarding the condom. The next is bathing each other. He tickles my sides, which I laugh a whole lot. When he bends down to get more soap, I swat his ass.

He playfully glares at me. I shrug my shoulders. "Pay back for all the times you've done that to me." I bite my lip. He leans into me again. The heat not being the water, but his body.

His thumb runs against my bitten lip as he drags it down. Slipping his tongue into mine. His other hand gently pinches my butt before slapping it. I laugh in the kiss, and slaps his back. This is a fun game.

We continue like this for a while, playing with each other and laughing.

I wish every night was like this.

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