One of my hands let's go of her ass to her clothes clit, and I pet it softly, causing her to purr further. I pull her tank top off and eye her breasts that is bestowed upon me. I savor her-- licking every crevice on her perfect breasts and pay close attentiveness on the scar between them. She mewls in my ear, and my purpose right now is to hear it again. I kiss the scar once more. Her hands massage my scalp, and I hum in appreciation.
She wiggles me out of my boxers and her pajama pants. She begins to pull down her panties, but I slap her hands away. She scowls at me, but I pull them down for her. Her eyes ease into mine.
Her tongues soft when our mouths meet again. She's wet against me, and when her hands touch my length, I moan into her mouth. Her mouth lazily presses against my forehead before lifting from my thighs and sitting on me properly. We both open our eyes and mouths in awe. No matter how many times we are together, it'll always be mind-blowing to be with the person you love most in the world.
The necklace bounces perfectly against her perfect tits. After a few more movements above me, I turn us over slowly. I reenter her once more and start my thrusts. I look down at our connected parts for a second too long, and she pushes my chin to look into her eye. They're breathtaking to look at. Dark and dilated, the same as mine, I assume. The skin above my cock makes contact on her clit when I thrust a certain way. She moans louder, and I cover her mouth with mine.
She was everything that I ever wanted-- especially right now when she moves below me to her own rhythm, and when our hands connect over top of our heads against my bedroom wall. My chest press against hers.
"Jake," she nearly cries into my mouth.
"Dawn, I love you." I say into her mouth.
"I love you." She answers back. And that's all it takes for her to release around me. My cock is deep inside her to hit that spot for her legs to shake around me.
I come immediately after her, my mouth hanging open against hers. Tears welling in the corner of my eyes for I don't know why. Pleasure? Happiness? Sadness? Maybe all three.
"I hope that's what it feels like." She breathes.
"What?" I unbury my head from her neck.
"Death. I hope it feels like fucking."
"You mean love," I say.
"I hope it feels like that then." She says before kissing me once more.
A/N: Sorry for the short chapter...
But the last three chapters are much longer. Also... this is the last smut chapter until the sequel... Should I reveal the title of the sequel!?!? HMMMM... One letter for now.
(If you know it, don't say it... you know who you are...)
I have 1 chapter left to write, and I'm so saddened and yet happy at the same time. My first novel is almost complete! Vote and comment!!!! Love you guys!!!
Comment your predictions, and maybe I'll give you a hint...