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I stared at them closely, trying to find at least one difference to point out, but they looked exactly the same. These people probably have a boss of their own, trying to get some kind of extra money.

Finally, I saw it. There was a difference. The roots of the other girl's hair were dark, and it was visibly obvious that the platinum blonde in her hair was dyed.

"Her hair is obviously dyed," I whispered to Jack, earning me a scowl from the doppelgängers.

Jack passed on the message to David, who called for the guards right away, who pulled the look a likes out of the room.

"What did you tell them?" Jack questioned, taking a seat from across David.

"I didn't tell them anything really. Whatever I told them was lies, I was told that there would be impostors. There are gangs in this country who just want money." David shook his head.

"Why was it written in that article that I'm in charge of the treasury?" I questioned.

"Well, there's a huge fraud in the system, which ended up having me sent here. Money transfers happen automatically when a leader from another country visits us. There was one business man from Russia that broke into our system and had millions of dollars transacted from us and put into the Russian government's. However, no one knows this." David explained.

"What the hell... so why is it stated that you were caught buying drugs and that Charlotte is in charge and using money now?" Jack started typing all of the information into his phone to share with the gang later.

"Rumors go around, I wasn't using the money at all, but since there was a rather large rumor going on that I used drugs, they converted it into something reasonable and had me sent here. But, my daughter is in charge of the treasury, but since she wasn't part of the office, the Russians removed money from the accounts unnoticed. The things I discussed with your impostors were just the lies from the articles." David cleared up almost everything for us now, and Jack quickly typed everything down.

"The Russians have gangs too, you know. But they're a lot larger, because they're usually part of their government." Jack shares his information with David.

"Wait," I interrupt.

"If you're my dad, why haven't I ever seen or heard of you? Why would you just leave me and my mom like that?" I started to tense up.

"Your mother didn't want any children because she knew they would have to become a part of the banking business, and I was in line for it then. If I had a child their name would be in the waiting list right after mine. So, your mom divorced me a few months after you were born, and I guess she never told you about me, I'm sorry." He looked up at me with sad eyes, which I noticed were very similar to mine.

Before things got too mushy, which Jack was uncomfortable with, he cleared his throat.

"We have to get going now, if anything else comes up, we'll meet again." We said our goodbyes, and started to exit the Jail.

"That was pretty eventful, don't you think?" Jack swung his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.

"Very," I nodded my head in agreement.

We took the same route back to the hotel, walking for half an hour back to the subway, standing awkwardly inside of it for another half hour, and finally making our way back to the city, where the hotel was.

"I never noticed what a beautiful view this was," Jack stood by the window that took up most of one wall.

"That's because we were only in here for 3 minutes to drop off our suitcases, you idiot," I joked, throwing a pillow at him.

Violence [Jack Barakat]Where stories live. Discover now