Ch.4 The Ring

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When Marinette got home she went to her room and sighed. Cat wasn't where to be found. Turns out he was an outdoor cat. Marinette decided she should go out and look for cat noir and Adrien again.

"Tikki spots on!"

Ladybug transformed and went looking through the city for Cat Noir and Adrien. Again, no sign of them. She went to the police to see if they had any leads but they were a a clueless as she was. She stayed out and kept searching, determined to find something. As she was standing on roof, something caught her eye. A small black movement came from and Alleyway. Her eyes widened. Cat Noir?! She jumped down quickly and began approaching the alleyway.

"Cat Noir is it you? It's me, ladybug!" She called out.

She saw some more movement and walked towards it slowly, then the figure popped out. Ladybug's hopes were dashed when she saw it was just Cat, her friendly feline. She sighed and went over to pet Cat.

"Sorry if I look disappointed, but I was looking for a close friend of mine that has disappeared," Ladybug said.

Cat began to start meowing, and he wouldn't stop. Ladybug stopped petting him and looked at him.

"Are you trying to tell me something?" She asked.

Cat kept meowing, but being just a cat, Ladybug couldn't understand him.

"Look, I'm sorry but I can't understand you, I have to go and continue searching for my friends," Ladybug said.

She then slung her yo-yo and continued looking throughout the city. Cat was one unique cat. He was like a human in a cat's body.

As she was slinging across the city, something caught her eye. A silver glint. She went down into another alley. The silver glint came from behind a dumpster. Marinette picked it up and gasped. It was a different colour than what she normally saw it in, but there was no mistake about it.

This was Cat Noir's miraculous; his ring!

It had a huge crack on top of it.

This could mean one of two things. One, cat noir's miraculous fell off during the fight and he has been searching for it. It two...


Cat Noir couldn't be... he couldn't be dead?!

Ladybug clutched the ring to her chest, tears spilling from her eyes. No, she refused to believe Cat Noir was dead. He had to be alive, he had to be.

She went home and detransformed. Tikki popped out and looked at the ring.

"There is no mistaking it, that's the Cat miraculous." Tiki said. Marinette was silent, she didn't know what to say. She put the ring on a chain, and put it around her neck. She would wear it until she found cat noir, or to honour his memory.

"Marinette, you do realize that to give that back to Cat Noir, you would need to find him in his civilian form?" Marinette asked.

"Yes, but I need to find him, to give him back his miraculous," marinette said.

Tikki was silent. She was wondering something. If marinette held the cat miraculous, where was Plagg? He should've been with the miraculous! It made her worried. This was not good. This was not good at all.

Cat had returned and Meowed at Marinette. Marinette, to caught up with cat Noir's miraculous, just stroked him on the head and brushed his off.

Cat did what seemed to be a sigh and went to his bed. Marinette looked at him and realized she forgot to give him a collar. To try and distract her mind, marinette sewed him up a collar. Just like his bed, marinette made it Cat Noir themed. It was green with black outline. It had the word Cat sewn until the side, and and a few black paw prints. She then went to the pet store and got a tag that had the dupeng-Cheng bakery's address on it. She then attached it to the collar she made, and then walked towards cat.

"Hey cat! I got a present for you, it's a collar, so if you ever get lost again, someone will bring you home. You are a part of the family now," she said. Cat walked closer and stroked his head on her cheek, then he licked her Cheek. Marinette giggled and stroked his head. He purred in delight, happy to be an official part of the family.

Meanwhile, Gabriel was flipping tables and smashing vases. He was furious. Furious at the incompetent police, furious at Natalie for losing him, and furious at Ladybug and Cat Noir. The one time he needs them one they are useless.

Natalie walked in, not al all fazed by the mess Gabriel had made.

"Tell me, do the police have any leads?" He asked

"No sir, they are doing everything they can, but have not come up with anything yet," Natalie said.

Gabriel flipped another table.

"Get out of my sight," Gabriel said.

Natalie nodded and left. As she left, she overheard Gabriel talking to himself.

"Not you too Adrien, not you too,"

At Marinette's house, marinette was asleep, but Adrien was awake, thinking about the days events. Ladybug was searching for him, both his identity, but she couldn't understand him! It was so frustrating! It was nice she hadn't given up hope of finding him though. He felt the collar marinette had given him around his neck. It was quite comfortable and was Cat noir themed. It made him feel loved, part of a real family, something he never really felt at home. He had seen a new side of Marinette these past few days.

She was so loving and caring towards him, even if she couldn't understand him. He wondered why he never noticed her feelings towards him before.

"Because you weren't using your brain" plagg chimed in

"Haha very funny Plagg," Adrien said.

"What can I say? It's the truth!" Plagg responded.

Adrien rolled his eyes and walked over to Marinette. She was sleeping soundly, she looked so peaceful, so...

"So beautiful?" Plagg chimed in.

"Plagg!" Adrien said. If he wasn't a cat he would be blushing.

"Kid, remember, I can read your thoughts. It what you were thinking," Plagg said.

"It doesn't matter, my heart belongs to ladybug," Adrien responded.

"Keep telling yourself that," Plagg said.

Adrien walked closer to marinette, gave her a kiss on her forehead and went back to his bed.

"Goodnight Mari," he said, then got comfortable in his bed, and fell asleep.

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