Ch. 18 Wait... WHAT?

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Adrien got home that night feeling very conflicted. Ladybug had kissed him. The girl who he'd been in love with since the day he met her, and yet, he walked away. He walked away because there was another girl in his heart now. 


Just thinking about her makes his heart race, but he knew that their relationship put her in danger. If their relationship continued, Hawkmoth would no doubt figure out what was happening between them and then target Marinette. He couldn't let that happen. He was the better man to walk away, and yet tonight with Ladybug...

He shook his head. It's true that a part of his heart did still belong to his lady, but he felt like he was a rebound, especially since she had constantly rejected his advances and broke up with her boyfriend recently. But recently they did seem to be getting closer. 

He collapsed onto the bed. His mind was muddled with Marinette and Ladybug. He just didn't know what to do anymore. 

"Adrien, your problems won't solve themselves overnight. Just go to bed, or have a late-night snack of camembert," Plagg said. 

"Plagg what am I gonna do?" He said. 

"Well if you truly want my opinion I'd say go talk to both of your lady friends," Plagg said. 

"Well, I can talk to Ladybug tomorrow, but I doubt Marinette will open up to Adrien," Adrien said. 

"Talk to both your lady friends as Cat Noir," Plagg said

"I broke up with Marinette. I very much doubt she wants to see me," Adrien said. 

" Adrien, just go see her one last time. Get some closure for the both of you," Plagg said. 

"You're right," Adrien said. 

The next night, Cat Noir was sitting on the roof across from Marinette sweating bullets. He didn't know what he was going to say. 

He took a deep breath, jumped over to Marinette's balcony and walked towards the window. He was about to know on the window when he hesitated. This was a bad idea. He should leave. Just as he was about to slip away into the night he heard the window open.  He turned around and came face to face with Marinette.

"Cat Noir? What are doing here?" She asked.  

Cat Noir was lost for words.

"I- uh, I-" He cut himself off and took a deep breath. 

"I wanted to see you one last time. I wanted to apologize. The way I left things off wasn't cool," He said. 

Marinette was quiet. 

"Alright, come in," Marinette said. 

The two went into Marinette's room. 

Marinette sat on her bed and looked at Cat Noir. 

"Okay, Marinette I'm sorry with how things ended between us. I really do like you Marinette, but it's too dangerous. If anyone found out we were dating and hawkmoth found out you would be put in grave danger. I'm sorry but it's to protect you," Cat Noir said. 

"I understand," Marinette said. There was an awkward silence between them

"So... are you going to go back to pursuing Ladybug?" Marinette asked.  If she was being honest, she was hoping he would say yes. She didn't want her relationship with Cat Noir to end. 

"I...I'm not sure. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship so soon after this one. Marinette, I fell in love with you, and nothing can change that," He said. 

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