Ch.3 Scavenger Hunt

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The next day, Marinette bought all the necessities for Cat, including a bed, food, water bowl, and some kitty litter. Oddly enough, as the day went on, Marinette noticed that this cat acted a bit strange.

First, he refused to eat the food, so marinette now just gives him croissants with ham and cheese, then, he doesn't use the kitty litter. Instead, he waits for the bathroom to be open and then goes in there.

He seemed almost... human.

As Cat was lying on the chair, Marinette was deep in thought about all that has happened. She had to find a way to fix this. She had to.

Tikki was still hiding because of her nerves around cat, so Marinette went over and looked at the pictures of Adrien on her wall.

Cat looked up at her and then stared at the photos. He then meowed.

Marinette giggled.

"I know, he perfect isn't he? His name is Adrien Agreste and he's a boy in my class. He's kind, handsome, selfless, brave, thoughtful, smart and so many other things.

Cat meowed.

"He's perfect, and I love him, but I could never tell him, I can barely speak properly around him!" Marinette told cat.

Cat went up to Marinette and stroked his head on her leg, comforting her.

"Thanks cat, I'm worried though, a couple days ago he was likely kidnaped. Police are working on it, but so far don't have any leads," marinette told him.

Marinette sighed and collapsed on her bed.

"First Cat Noir then Adrien. What's next?" Marinette mumbled to herself .

Cat jumped onto her bed and rubbed her shoulder.

Marinette smiles and stroked his head.

She didn't know why, but she felt like she could talk to Cat and that he would understand, even if he is just a cat. She's only known him a couple of days but she felt as if she could completely trust him, like she's known him a long time.

After a while, Marinette stoped petting his head and looked at her computer. Posted on the ladyblog was the one thing she was hoping not to see.

Where is Cat Noir?

Marinette read the article. It spoke about his disappearance. There were a bunch of comments theorizing what had happened.

"Hey cat, come here," marinette said.

The cat came closer and looked at the screen.

"People are theorizing what happened to Cat Noir, he's a superhero who protects Paris alongside ladybug," marinette explained.

She then read some out loud

"He moved away? He joined the army? He got killed?!" Marinette closed her computer and sighed.

Cat put a comforting paw on her thigh.

"Thanks Cat," marinette said

She leaned her head back and sighed. She looked out the window and realized how late it gotten. She had completely forgot to go on patrol! She sighed. It was to late to start now.

She got herself comfortable in her bed before looking at cat.

"Are you going to sleep in my bed or yours?" She asked.

Cat meowed before heading towards his bed. She hoped he liked it. It had a cat noir theme. It was black with a green paw print in the centre. Marinette smiled.

"Goodnight Cat," She said, then tried her bed to get some sleep. She knew tomorrow was going to be a long day.

Adrien was quiet in his bed. He was still processing what had happened earlier that day. Marinette has a crush on him? Was that why she always seemed to nervous around him?

"You think?" Plagg asked

Adrien couldn't believe he didn't see it before. All the signs were there. Then there was the cat Noir business. People had noticed he had disappeared, even if it had only been a few days ago.

"Plagg, do you have any idea how to turn me back into a human?" Adrien asked

"Sorry kid, I don't. If I did, I would tell you, I don't like sharing a body with you anymore than you do with me. I like having my own body. Anyway, the only thing I know so that this is probably linked to your miraculous, meaning something happened to your ring during that fight," Plagg explained

"Something happened to it? Like what?" Adrien asked

"I wish I knew kid, then it would make you turning back human a lot simpler." Plagg said

"Well, if my miraculous is the key to turning back human, we'll just have to find it," Adrien said,

After Marinette had fallen asleep, he jumped out of a window and into the streets. He went to where he first woke up and started to look around, but couldn't see anything that stood out to him.

"See anything Plagg?" Adrien asked

"I can see the exact same thing as you. So no," Plagg responded.

Adrien sighed and continued to search, but to no avail. He searched the entire night but came up empty pawed.

"Well that scavenger hunt didn't go well did it?" Plagg asked

Adrien chose to ignore Plagg and continue searching

When morning came around, he was exhausted. He slowly made his way to Marinette's house and jumped in through the window. He then walked to his bed and lay down. The second his head touched the bed, he was out cold. Right now he was glad he was a cat, because it meant he could sleep with no disruptions.

Marinette got up and went got ready for school, careful not to wake cat. When she got there, Chloe was in tears and Nino was comforting Alya.

"Alya, what's going on?" Marinette asked

Sabrina's dad came from behind her and spoke up.

"I can answer that. It seems that Adrien Agreste, your classmate was most likely kidnaped. All his belongings were found on school property, including things he would've taken had he run away. No one has seen Adrien in the past 48 hours, so we are assuming it was a kidnaping," he explained.

"What? That's terrible!!" Marinette said, trying to hide the fact she already knew from the previous night.

"Of course it's awful! My poor Adrikins has Been kidnaped!" Chloe sobbed.

She walked right up to Sabrina's dad.

"You! You better find my adrikins or else I will have my father fire every police officer in this city including you!" She yelled.

"Y-yes of course, we just need to ask some of your classmates some questions," he replied, nervous since last time something like this happens he was fired on the spot; and that was for a bracelet, this is ten times bigger!

He then turned to Marinette.

"Alright miss, when did you last see Adrien?" He asked

"It must've been on Friday, right before the akuma attack. I didn't see where he went after that because I was swept away with the crowd running away from the akuma," marinette said

The officer took down some notes before putting his pad down.

"Is there anything else you can tell us?" He asked.

"Not that I can think of, but if I do, I'll be sure to tell you," Marinette said.

The police officer nodded and went about question other students, meanwhile Marinette sighed. First Cat Noir, then Adrien. What was the world coming to?

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