we meet again

27 2 23

wow imagine being responsible idk her

listen, listen.

i really should be doing homework right now but i deeply do not want to.

i think i'm in a big depressive mode atm but imma start my period soon so imma blame it on that.

but for reals, i just moved in with my dad along w my two sisters because of my mom being .. weird, we don't really know.

so aS yOu CaN iMaGiNe things have been off, it was all last minute, and we've been here for about 2 months.

i see no future here at my new school, i can't do this, i don't like it here. i miss my old rugged school, alright? i miss my friends, even though we still talk and keep up w each other, i prefer being there with them.

read more if u wanna know what happened teehee

so like. remember when i would always complain about how i don't like my dad because he married someone +10 years his age & that she's a bitch sometimes and blah blah blah

yeah uhm the tables have turned.

my mother suddenly didn't want to get married. this summer we were at my dads and he got a long text from my mom that said she wasn't feelin the wedding and left town & that he should keep us a little longer.

we didn't know this was happening at first, but then her (ex) boyfriend had texted us saying he loves us and hopes the best for us & that he still has hope for my mom and him.

then we're like "wtf" and we call her and ask where she is and she's just telling us that she doesn't wanna be in (town) anymore and blah blah blah

so then we're like "well figure shit out because we have school coming up"

time passes & we see her and she's just. fallen out of it. she doesn't want to get married anymore and we ask why and she wouldn't tell us; just kept saying "trust me on this, just trust me."

but my dad & stepmom can't really trust her after her going to rehab & crashing cars,,, those were all chances and trusts they made upon her. and then she leaves home out of no where w/o explanation? it was the last straw.

time passes, she leaves the other town she was in and texts us "i'm going somewhere far away and turning my phone off. i love you girls very much" blah blah blah
she doesn't tell us where she's gone.

but little does she know that her "find my friends" on her iphone was on & my little sister found she was in minnesota

yeah like the most random place ever


two weeks later. i'm on facebook, and i see my mom had changed her relationship status ..
to "taken"

now i'm going OFF

i text her and ask "who's —?" (will i expose his name idk lol) and she's just "a friend."

bitch try again

i said "i didn't know relationships & friendships were the same" and she says "well kind of" biTCH TRY AGAUN

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