Reaper Containment Act (Chapter 17)

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"Amai? what the hell, can't you see I was sleeping?"

"It's already 12, mom and dad told me to remind you we are leaving in 10 minutes."


"Eh, didn't feel like it, anyway be ready to go soon cya sis"

Yeah walk away coward. Gotta hurry and get ready, it doesn't help that Amai didn't tell me where we are going no time to complain.



Rushing down the stairs I was able to make it, I still got scolded what did you expect?

"Luna, we told you about your doctor appointment, your mother and Amai's salon appointment so why did you end up making us late?!"

"sorry father, I overslept"

"I'm tired of your excuses Luna, hurry inside your doctor's appointment started 5 minutes ago."


I slammed the car door shut and entered the building. This isnt embarrassing at all...

"Hello, I have an appointment with Dr.Searon"

"And what is your name miss?"

"oh sorry! my name is Luna, Luna Blossom"

"It says your appointment started 5 minutes ago"

"Sorry I ran a bit late"

"it's fine just head down the hall and make a left Dr.Searon should be with you shortly"

"Thank you"

Hmmm now to wait, there isn't much in here... just the doctors desk, a few chairs and a diploma. I hear the door creak open and I see a girl in a doctor's coat must be Dr.Searon

"Hello...Miss Luna?"

"Yes that's me"

"Ok well it says here we are just doing going to do a check up so it should only take 10 minutes"

As the check up was progressing I felt as if she was judging me, I mean, I could cut the tension with a knife

"Well it's done your results should be back in a few days"

"Thank you miss"

I start to get up and walk out but I heard her say something and she quickly got up

"I know your secret Luna Blossom"

"Excuse me?"

"I said have a nice day, now I have some work to do so close the door on your way out"

I must be paranoid she didn't really say that right? My dad should be waiting for me out in the parking lot I need to hurry.

"What did the doctor say?"

"She said that we would need to wait a few days for the results"

"She? I was sure Dr.Searon was a male eh must have confused them with someone else."

"Oh heh well we are just going to pick up mom and Amai right?

"Yes so get in the car"

I felt our cars air conditioning blow in my face I went to turn it off, ugh Amai why do you always keep them on?!

I glance up and I see them walk out of the salon, sigh they always have to spend dad's money on useless things.

"We're back! Daddy do you like my hair?!"

"It's beautiful pumpkin"

"That's my seat Luna, move."

"It's just a seat Amai, can't you just seat over there" I point over to where I usually sit

"NO! I always sit there!"

"Luna, can you please just switch seats"

"Fine mom just give me one second"

Why does she always have to be so difficult?! I know, I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and plug in my earbuds and play whatever is on my playlist. We finally get home and go back to my room and lock the doors, ugh Amai picked them this morning I should change them when I get the chance.

The weekend went by fast and it was already monday. I couldn't find anyone I knew and by the time I found Tera the bell rang, great.

"Students, today I will be pairing you up for this classes project, so everyone write down your names on a slip of paper and put them in this bag."

I walked up and put the paper in the bag and returned to my seat, patiently waiting to hear who my partner is.

"And the final pairing is, Luke Redfang and Luna Blossom"

Who is Luke? I look around and see a guy with green hair walkover.

"Are you Luna?"

"Yes and I am assuming you're Luke Redfang"

"Yup thats me, so the project is to make a presentation on world history, what should we do?"

"We could do our project on,The Grim incident?"

"Nah, a lot of people would be doing that"

"Do you have any ideas Luke?"

"Well a buddy of mine told me about the Reaper Containment Act, we could do that"


"Speaking of it he should be here this weekend, he was supposed to be here last week but he missed his flight"

"Interesting, well let's get started"

Part 32 section I9 of the : Reaper Containment Act

In conclusion with suppressing the Reapers abilities and power by 30% that should be enough to establish a control and to keep them stable to not cause a threat to the public. The only problem I have is with conducting my experiment, 3 of the 12 test subjects grew more aggressive and were prone to injuring their peers. The remaining 9 were able to comply with our wishes.

If you were to continue and use this method I advise you to find a way to control the Reapers that defy this experiment or there will be major consequences.

"Luke, That's messed up, I didn't even know about this.."

"Yeah it's sad that there is nothing we can do but class is almost over so let's pack up"


Author's note : Hey guys thanks for reading and I'll cya next week! Also sorry for being late, I didn't have internet for a few days.

Will Luna meet Luke's "Buddy"?

25% of the Reapers are prone to being "violent" has Luna met one of them?

well we will just need to wait and see.

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