Stumble And Fall (Chapter 11)

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I stopped and heard the wolves run I slowed my breathing, so I could hear them better.

I can sense 22 wolves.

I am lucky that there aren't anymore but still I need to be fast

I can easily use my barrier to get out, but they have the advantage there are too many, and they will be able to break it

If I want to win I need to be fast and able to react.

I need to play it safe

I felt the energy inside me as I cast it

"Enchant, speed
Enchant, agility

Before I could finish I heard a snap....they are here.

OK don't be scared. Don't show any fear.

In the midst of the pack I saw Lincoln I'm not surprised that he would be leading them, trying to show that he is fit to be Alpha.

I tried to not show and fear or regret but one thing keeps going through my mind,
Why didn't I practice my magic more often?

I was always around guards since I was a kid and never felt the need to try to improve my skills ugh I'm such an idiot.

Then here comes the mind games,
Circling me and all with him watching I want nothing more than to take him down.

In this circumstance he has the upper hand I need to find a new way of escape but how?

"Hey Luna, penny for your thoughts?"

"Is this all really necessary? Link?"

I saw him stunned for a moment so there is a soft spot. I saw him grin and let out a huge laugh maybe I was wrong.

"Calling me my nickname now, are we? Did you forget that I only let people close to me call me that?"

I saw him walk closer as some of his pack guarded me from any chance of escape.

"Our relationship was just a way to make my mate (soulmate "mate" for short) jealous, so she would take me back"

How could he just say that to me! I wish I could have practiced my magic, so I could beat him!

"Oh have you gone silent now? It will make this easier, you delta! Shift"

Everything was moving too fast for me to stop anything Lincoln's Delta (ranked below the Beta) quickly shifted and I felt a sharp pain in my lower back

Whatever they hit me with I couldn't keep up, it became too hard to stand it felt like the world was spinning and it all faded to nothing as I heard a ringing in my ears.

"That was too easy"

Authors note : Yup this flashback is going to be a three parter and the next chapter should be out this weekend! Until next time.

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