When You're Sick

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 Sorry for the late update! I suck when it comes to updating, forgive me. Lol


When you're sick Delsin is very concerned, partially he has grown up with old people entire life and took notice when their sick it's miserable. So he always takes this kind of thing seriously. Even if it's a simple cold which is exactly what's wrong with you as of now.

You sniffled a bit feeling your nose clog up with disgusting snot. You coughed a bit before laying down, It was hard for you to breathe since your nose was so filled up. A small noise emitted from your phone, you smiled lightly seeing it was your loving boyfriend Delsin. You quickly open up your phone and skim over the text

"Hey Y/N it's me Del. Im comin over  with some cough syrup and your favorite movie"

God, he was such a cornball, nonetheless a cute cornball. You sighed in content before pulling up the quilted blanket Betty made for you, she found out you were sick and came running getting you some tea with honey, a nice warm quilt and some candy. You could tell Delsin got his sweet, sensitive side from Betty. She loved you and Delsin so much, she went as far to the point of you and Delsin having children. You were flustered and unconfrontable while the cocky Delsin raved about how 'Genetically Gifted' his kids would be, typical of the cocky bastard.

It's been about 3 minutes and Delsin came barging in, bearing gifts. Medicine, F/M, 24 pack of soda and a little stuffed bear. You smiled warmly at the tall akomish man, the way his lean body stood in the light as it poured in through the curtains. You two spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies, drinking soda and cuddling close to each other.


Fetch is one to take care of you as well but steer far from you, she HATES getting sick. Surprisingly she has a really weak immune system despite her being a conduit so when she gets sick, it feels like hell for her. But since your someone, she loves so much she's willing to get closer than normal. 

You caught a fever, a really high one at that. 102 was the exact temp, you felt like your brain was boiling or frying which it was. You were cold then you were hot, mucus coated the back of you're of your throat. and you just couldn't breathe, well you felt like that. Your bones and muscles were so weak, you felt raw. Thankfully Fetch came on time, she held a plastic bag filled to the brink with items. There was a box of tissues, some meds, and candy. You look to see her wearing a surgical mask. You laugh a little before going into a small coughing fit. Fetch held a concerned look she shifted towards you a little before sitting down by you. You laid there with a miserable look on your face before squirming to the left. You smiled weakly at Fetch, she smiled back. The two of you play poker and other card games as you recovered from your awful fever.


You sat there in the hospital bed waiting for the doctor to come in. Eugene never knew how sick you really were, he didn't even notice you were sick. It hurt a little but you understood, he was a conduit savior of the city. You just sighed quietly before grabbing the book that laid on your little coffee table. 

'To Kill A Mockingbird'

A classic for sure, yet one of your(and mine) favorite books. You picked it up and looked for the bookmark, it has been a long 3 weeks and your kemo was slowly killing you at least that's what you felt like. A couple of hours passed and you noticed the blonde boy, standing there with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Looking down shyly. It was gene.

"Hey, gene. Where ya been?"

You asked, smiling weakly at the boy he shuffled over to you muttering how about something. That something about him, he always mumbled. You looked at him with bright E/C eyes. He looked at you with his chestnut ones.

"I'm sorry."

He spoke clear and soft. You grinned at him. He grinned back.

OMFG I'M SO DAMN SORRY! FORGIVE ME SCHOOL HIT ME LIKE A BRICK WALL! Anyways I don't know if i should write a some Reggie fics. As always request are open.

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