Chapter 4 Demons?

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Rina pov

I was seeing horns coming out of him even a tail

I got scared suddenly they grab us putting us on the ground.

I look at rin he stares back at me I got worried for both of us then he grabs Pole.

"An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth, as they say! I'm going to give you back twice the pain that you caused me! How about I use this burning pole on your sister" he said Coming toward me grabbing my face pointing the burning pole at my face.

"How about her nose or her mouth or perhaps her eyes," he said smirking at me.

I got scared for my life

"Leave her alone asshole!" rin said

"A human barbequel" he said laughing again

"Stop it!" rin Said

He ignore  him slowly putting burning pole closer to my face I quickly close my eyes

"You heard me get away from my sister!" Rin shouting at him as breeze pass me

I slowly open my eyes to see myself burning with blue flames?

I look right at rin seeing him burning with blue flames as well? As we see his friends left him.

I look right back at rin and said "Rin" getting more scared he wraps his arms around me.

"Are you okay rina?" rin Asked.

I about to say something but I got cut off by him
"Ah those blue flames are indeed proof that you both are the Scion of Satan," he said walking toward us

I stare at him

"I was right my eye is unerring!" He said getting front of our faces

"My name is Astaroth come with me my young prince and princess lord Satan has long awaited for you both" Astaroth Said.

"Satan?" we both said.

Then we heard a familiar voice

"Evils are in their hearts o lord give them according to their works. And according to the wickedness of their inventions. According to the works of their hands give thou to them render to them their reward. Thou shalt destroy them, and shalt not build them up".

We quickly look to see Dad walking toward us

"Curses those words damn you an exorcist?" Astaroth said

"Blessed be the lord!" Dad said smirking at Astaroth

"Old man," rin said I look at rin and look right at Dad.

"I'll rip that mouth of yours apart, so you can never again utter such spells!" Astaroth said running toward Dad.

"For he hath heard the voice of my supplication," Dad said Dodge his attack.

"the lord is my helper," Dad said grab his arms throwing him on the ground "and my protector thou shalt perish where thou standeth parish," Dad said.

Seeing black thing coming out of him

"Are you both all right?" Dad asked

"Wait never mind us is that guy gonna be all right?" Rin asked.

"I exorcised the demon who had possessed him. I'm sure he'll come to in a moment" Dad said

"Demon?" we both said

"You both can see them now too, can't you," Dad said blowing smell creature away from him

"All of these" rin said waving them away from him

"It's called a coal tar, which possesses fungi. They're attracted to dark, dark places, as well as introverted humans. This world is comprised of two dimensions joined as one, like a mirror. One is the material we live in- assiah. The other is the empty realm inhabited by the demons- Gehenna normally there can be no contact between these two dimensions, never mind travel but having possessed all material substances in this world, the demons are now intruding. Now stand up you two. Thanks to this uproar, they have learned of your awakening doubtless demons of all species will come after you both for every kind of reason. Before that comes to pass, you both must hide!" Dad said

"Hey hold up! We don't know what you're saying what demons? And what the hell do you mean by awakening? What the hell are we anyway?" Rin said.

"You both are not a human being," Dad said.

"Huh," we both said.

"You both are the son and daughter of a demon, born by a human and not just any demon either," Dad said picking us up

We both look right at him waiting for more answer.

"The demon of all demons you're both the offspring of Satan!" Dad said

We didn't say anything

"Right now we have to run," Dad said

We both nods and start running

Time Skip

Rina pov still

We kept running then we stop to see stray dogs in front of us

"Ugh they stink" rin Said

"They're ghouls demons who possess the dead" Dad said.

"Ghouls!" we both said

"Lucky for you both if this weren't Japan, we'd be beset by ghouls in human form!" Dad said

"There's nothing lucky about this" rin Said

"Whoa is that a bomb?" Rin said

"Not to worry," Dad said throwing it at them

"It's just holy water," Dad said as we start running toward the door Dad quickly close the door behind us.

"It's not exactly easy to babysit at my age you know," Dad said.

"Who're you calling a baby" rin said.

"Now then let's head home while we can," Dad said running down the stairs we follow behind him

"Are you saying it's not over yet?" Rin asked.

Dad stops and looks right at us "didn't I tell you demons of all species will be coming after you both the sun will set soon that's when demons become active" Dad said as he starts running again we did the same.

Finally, we're here to see Nagatomo and Kyodo standing outside waiting for us

"Welcome home," Nagatomo Said as we both quickly start speed walking toward inside the church.

"I've purged all of the coal tars and I've triple-reinforced the spiritual barrier surrounding the monastery," Nagatomo said.

"Double it again. It surely won't hold until the morning we are being attacked by kinsmen of Astaroth douse the sewers with triple-c density holy water. Not a single one can be allowed to infiltrate" Dad said.

"Yea father," they said 

Then Dad said "come with me".

we both look at each other and then follow him.

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