Chapter 7 Brothers

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Rina pov

We grab our luggage and start heading out

Then we heard "Hard to believe you guys are leaving us" nagatomo said

"We're going to miss you guys having you guys around" maruta said

"He right you guys are always welcome back here" Izumi said

"After all this is your home" Kyodo Said

"Yeah we going to miss you guys as well" I Said staring at them

"Have you seen Yukio around did he went back to the dorm we couldn't find him?" Rin ask.

"No we haven't seen him around this morning but he didn't left"maruta said

We nods and said our goodbyes to them and start walking toward the sidewalk

I just stand there waiting for Rin he start looking for Mephisto

"Seriously that guy in the clown suit is late and what the hell did Yukio go" Rin said look at me

Then I heard a car approaching

I look to see limousine heading toward Rin

Rin stand still then he start freaking out and quickly got out of the way

"Are you blind watch where you're going" Rin Said as We heard a familiar voice "well well I see the sun out is a glorious day a new beginning wouldn't you say?"

Mephisto staring at us

"You got Freaky car and you want us to get in tell us where you're taking us first" Rin said

"To true Cross Academy duh" Mephisto said

"true Cross Academy" Rin said

"Indeed you see I'm the director of To true Cross Academy that's my official title anyway Mephisto said

"What!" we said

"Starting today you both will become a full time students" Mephisto said

Then we heard Yukio "sorry to keep you guys waiting I'm so glad it works out this way we could stay together"


"Thank you for helping us out mr. Faust" Yukio said.

"Mr. Faust?" I ask Mephisto with raised eyebrows.

"What happen to Mephisto" Rin said

Mephisto got closer to our face "Yes my official name Johann Faust the fifth my official get it"

We both look confused

"Alway now true Cross Academy awaits" Mepshito Said opening the door for us.

We got in has the driver started heading to true Cross Academy

Time skip

Rina Pov

No one said anything then Rin said "damn"

"What wrong?" Yukio asked

"Oh nothing by the way where were you this morning anyway" Rin said

I look at them

"Visiting Dad's grave did you both go?" Yukio asked

"I did but what about you Rin" I Said staring at him

"No I didn't"

"Really Rin" Yukio Said look right back at his book

"Well for minute more we be the centre of true Cross Academy town" Mepshito said smile at us

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