Chapter 4

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•Denki's POV•

Kirishima and Bakugou seem closer than usual. Bakugou isn't acting like a maniac, he's seems calmer, and he actually showed care when he knocked down Kirishima.

In the cafeteria, Bakugou kept blushing whenever Kirishima looked at him.

Are they together or something?

I look behind me to see Bakugou looking to his left as Kirishima is walking to the right of him, just smiling while looking at the ash blonde beside him.

Something is definitely going on between them.

We walk into the market and we all split up. Bakugou heads to the bathroom while Sero and Mina head to towards the back of the market. Kirishima and I start walking to the left side of the market. I quickly pull Kirishima into one of the aisles.

"Okay, spill. What's up with you and Bakugou?" I ask, full of curiosity.

"What are you talking about?" Is his response.

I roll my eyes at him, "Come on, I'm not stupid. You guys are way closer than usual. Are you dating him or something?"

"N-no, w-we aren't d-dating." He says quickly.

"You don't sound too confident in that statement. Don't lie to me." I exclaim.

"I'm s-series. W-we aren't dating. N-nothing is going on between us." He says while frantically waving his hands in the air.

He's so nervous. I don't believe him.

"Do you like him?" I ask with a smirk on my face.

"Do I l-like h-him?! Do you mean, like like h-him?! Um... I never thought if it like t-that... I-I don't know..." He nervously responds while blushing and looking down at the ground. I swear, his face is as red as his hair.

"You're blushing so much dude! You so have a crush on Bakugou!" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Shut up Denki!" He says as he punches me in the arm and returns his gaze to the floor, still a blushing mess.

"Well dude, I think Bakugou is super into you. He acts differently around you. He's softer. You can tell he's got a thing for ya."

I didn't think it was possible for his face to get much redder, but it sure did.

"What do I do Denki?" He asked me, his voice shaky.

"You gotta tell him dude!" I proclaim, a huge smile on my face.

"B-but what if he doesn't actually like me?" He started shaking while saying this, still staring at the ground.

"Trust me dude, he does." I say calmly as I place my hand on his shoulder. He looks up at me and I give him another big smile, trying to calm him down.

"Thanks bro!" He exclaimed, smiling back at me.

"Oi, dumbasses, there you are. I've been looking all over this damn place." I hear Bakugou yell as he walks up behind Kirishima.

I quickly removed my hand from Kirishima's shoulder, receiving a glare from Bakugou that sent chills down my spine.

Kirishima noticed and quickly went over to Bakugou and wrapped his arm around his shoulder, "Hey Bakubro!"

"Hey shitty hair." He responds, looking away from me and back to Kirishima, his face softening up a bit.

"Ready to go guys?" We hear Mina yell in our direction, waving her hand.

"Jeez, could you yell any louder?" Sero says, walking towards us with Mina. They both wear carrying a whole bunch of junk food and sugary drinks.

"You guys buying anything?" Mina asks.

Mysterious Love (Bakugou x Kirishima fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now