Chapter 5

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•Bakugou's POV•

Heavy music played through the speakers as the movie credits rolled across the screen.

Kirishima was cuddled up against my chest for the entire movie while I had my arm wrapped around his waist. I wished to stay like this forever.

I felt him stir slightly as he yawned. It was so adorable, I couldn't help but smile. He looked up, his beautiful crimson eyes staring into mine. He looked away and had a slight tint of pink across his cheeks.

"I should probably head out so you can get some sleep." He says, moving away from the position he was laying in, pulling away from my touch.

"Or you could just sped the night here." I say nervously.

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude." He politely replies.

"Yes, I'm sure shitty hair." I say looking, at him, his face still turning red. I wonder what the heck he's thinking about to make him blush so much.

"O-okay, um, I'll just go take a shower and get ready, then come back here." He says quickly, starting to turn away to head towards the door.

"You could just do that here too." I reply, wishing he'd accept.

"I feel like I'm being too much of a bother." He argued.

Maybe he just doesn't want to be around me as much as I want him to be...

"Jeez shitty hair. You aren't intruding. I offered, didn't I?..." I trail off for a second, "But I don't want to force you to do anything..." I finish, looking away.

"Y-you aren't forcing me to do anything." He starts to say, walking towards me. "I just don't want it to be too much trouble."

"It isn't." I reply, looking at him again.

"Okay!" He says, his voice happy, as a smile is plastered across his face once again.

"Well, there's a cabinet in there, next to the shower, with everything you'd need." I informed him.

"Thanks dude!" He replies, walking that away and I hear the door shut.

I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling.

How do I tell him how I feel? Is he even gay? What if he rejects me and doesn't want to talk to me ever again? I can't lose Kirishima...

I pull my phone out of my pocket. I text the only person I can think of who would help. I hope I don't regret this.

Me: Hey Pikachu, I need to talk to you.

I wait for a reply, but I don't wait long.

Damn Pikachu: How many times have I said to stop calling me Pikachu?😪

Me: Kaminari, I need to talk to you.

Damn Pikachu: OMG... you just called me by my name, this must be really serious.

I hear the water for the shower start to run.

Me: Yes, it is, and I don't have much time to talk.

Damn Pikachu: Okay, what is it?

Me: I need some advice, but you can't tell anyone about this...

Damn Pikachu: Okay, I won't

Me: It's about Kirishima...

Me: I need to tell him something, but I don't know how...

Mysterious Love (Bakugou x Kirishima fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now