Chapter 3

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•Kirishima's POV•

I turn so I am laying on my back and place my hands behind my head and just stare at the ceiling. Bakugou had fallen asleep next to me. He was so worried about me. He actually expressed emotion other than anger. Does he actually see me as his friend? Does he really care that much about me? All I've been trying to do is become close to him. I just want him to be happy.

I roll over so I am facing him again. I look at all his features. He looks so calm and gentle while sleeping.

He's really handsome...

I feel my cheeks heat up. What am I thinking? I mean, he is a handsome guy, but... why did I think that just now?

A small strand of blonde hair fell in front of Bakugou's closed eyes. I gently pushed it behind his ear and rested my hand on the side of his face, lightly running my thumb across his soft skin.

I feel my cheeks heat up again as I realize what I am doing. I pull my hand away and place it back on the bed.

I continue to look at him for a few more minutes until my eyes start to feel heavy and I too drift off to sleep.

(Time Skip)

I start to wake up and feel a warm figure wrapped around me. I slowly open my eyes, letting them adjust to the sunlight shining through the window. I realize that Bakugou was wrapped around me, our legs intertwined and our arms wrapped around each other's body, our faces so close. My cheeks instantly heat up at the notation that we are literally cuddling. Bakugou is gonna kill me if he wakes up to this.

Trying my best to not wake up the ash blonde, I slowly pull my arms away from his waist, I gently untangle our legs and pull myself away from him completely. I sit up on the bed and stare at the ground.

I miss his warmth.

What the heck am I thinking?!

I slowly stand up, thinking I succeed at not waking him up, but I feel a hard tug on the corner of my shirt, pulling me back onto the bed.

"Don't leave yet." I hear Bakugou whisper.

As I'm sitting on the bed, I feel his arms wrap around my waist. My face starts to heat up again. He pulls me into his chest and places his head in the crook of my neck.

"B-B-Bakugou, what are you doing?" I ask, my voice shaky.

"Calm down. I'm just cold. Jeez, shitty hair, you sound so nervous." He replies in a soft, calming voice.

I let my body relax against his.

Can we stay like this forever?

Why am I thinking these things about Bakugou?

After sitting like that for a few minutes, Bakugou speaks up, "Oi, shitty hair, we should go get breakfast."

"Oh, y-yeah." I say as I stand up and turn to face Bakugou while he's still sitting on the bed, his red eyes looking into mine.

I smile at him and he turns away blushing.

He's adorable.

My cheeks heat up as well when that thought popped into my head.

We were silent for a few more seconds until I spoke up. "I'll go get ready. Meet you back here?"

"Yeah, sounds good." He responds.

"Okay!" I say excitedly as I turn towards the door and walk towards it. I put on my shoes and walked out the door and back to my dorm room to get ready.

Mysterious Love (Bakugou x Kirishima fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now