Chapter 7

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•Kirishima's POV•

I feel a slight stir of something against me. I slowly open my tired eyes, but squinting as I try to let my eyes adjust to the bright sunlight.

I open my eyes to realize where I was and remember everything that had happened the night before.

I look at the blonde haired boy that lays next to me with his arms wrapped tightly around me. He looks so calm and peaceful while he is asleep. As I gaze at him, I can't help but smile.

Katsuki Bakugou is my boyfriend. I'm so lucky.

My mind wonders through so many happy thoughts. I just can't believe he is actually my boyfriend now. He can be a hothead, but he's still perfect. I wouldn't want anyone else.

I put my hand through his ash blonde hair. His hair is so soft, but jeez was it a mess.

I let out a small laugh. I hoped I wasn't gonna wake him up.

Just my luck, I feel him stir in my arms and he slowly opens his eyes.

"Good morning babe." I say, giving him a small smile.

"So no more calling me bro and dude?" He said, teasing me.

"Well, you are my boyfriend now. I mean, I could call you that if you want." I reply in a semi-serious tone.

"I'm kidding idiot. I like 'babe', but call me whatever you want my love." He responds in a calm voice with a small smirk on his face.

He is so perfect

I smile at him.

"Jeez, you're so handsome." I say quietly.

His cheeks turn red and he looked away from my gaze.

He's so cute.

"E-Eijiro, w-why do you keep s-saying t-that?" He stutters.

"Because it's true." I reply, hugging him tightly once again. I let out a small laugh.

I pull away from his body slightly and place my lips on his. He runs his hand through my hair, deepening the kiss. My heart beat speeds up and my stomach is in knots. I wish this would never end.

He pulls away, catching his breath. He places his forehead on mine and has a small smile on his face.

"You make me so happy Kiri." He says softly.

"You make me so happy too Katsuki." I reply, pulling him into my arms again. I run my hand through his soft ash blonde hair.

"Eijiro?" He calls my name quietly, but in a serious tone.

"Yes, my love?" I reply curiously

"Are we going to tell everyone else," he paused for a second, "or do you want to keep this hidden?"

"I think we should tell the others. I want show everyone that you are my boyfriend." I reply lovingly, hugging him tightly.

"What will they think about it?" He asks in a worried tone.

"I think they'll be happy for us, but who gives a damn about what anyone else thinks?" I say. "I wouldn't want to be with anyone else and I don't care about what anyone else thinks."

"Yeah." He responds, with a small smile on his face.

"Get ready, I have an idea." I say while getting out of the bed.

"What's your idea?" He asks curiously.

"Do you trust me?" I ask, trying to act cute.

"Of course I do, idiot." He responds in his usual rough tone of voice.

Mysterious Love (Bakugou x Kirishima fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now