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Amethyst's POV

"You must control my temper!" I rolled my eyes as Jamie recited that certain line from the animated Beauty And The Beast movie. I rolled my eyes and kept putting stuff away, trying to distract myself as I spoke, "It's never gonna work, Jingles. Not with Olive around."
"Then move loops."
"If I go out there, I'll be attacked by a Hollow for sure!"
"Not necessarily."
"They're hunting down the last fire angel on earth! And if you didn't know already, that's me!"

There was a knock at the door that cut our conversation short. I rolled my eyes and put the items in my hand onto the bed, "Come in." The door opened and I saw... I think it's Henry? Oh no wait, it's Horace. Slick backed hair, snazzy suit, posh accent. "I was just wondering if you wanted some help with your wardrobe. Judging by your outfit, you're not really 'up to date' with our loop."

I looked down at my outfit. Black jeans, black knee high boots, a red sleeveless top and my leather jacket. "What's so bad about this?" I asked him, looking up to meet his eyes. Which he rolled a little before answering, "You stand out too much. And the clothes Miss Peregrine gave you weren't exactly your style. I can help you if you like."

His offer stayed in my mind for a few minutes. Take advice from a fifteen year old or stand out for something other than my hair. "Okay, fine, let's see what you can do." My eventual answer made him smile and show his pearly whites. "Splendid! Meet me in the attic in ten minutes." With that, he left the room and I was alone. Well, that wasn't weird at all.


"Okay, I'm here. Horace? Horace, where are you!?" I snap
ed as I stood in the middle of a pitch black attic. Seriously, where is this boy? I thought he'd at least be on time for things! As I was thinking, the lights came on and I took some time to adjust to the sudden light, but that's when I saw... Well, how do I describe this?

There was a table, and there were multiple boxes above, below and around it. There was what I'm gonna call a backdrop behind said table with a few lights pointing at it.

And then there was a Horace.

He was wearing a snazzier suit, holding a... Parade baton?... and had a slightly tall hat on. "Welcome to my shop!" He cried (not tears, but like the cry like a yell kinda cry. Yah? No? Okay. Whatever) with a smile. I couldn't help but laugh at this,but quickly covered it as a cough. "Everything is free but for a price, if that makes sense." Horace continued. I nodded and stepped towards the boxes, looking at what was wrote in them.

Swap chores
Hang out with me for a week
Be a model for me

The 'prices' made me laugh again and Horace smiled too. "Do you have anything black? And red?" I asked him shyly, wanting to stick to my usual colours. "Well I can look. And if not, I know where we can get some fabric and I'll make you a dress those colours."
"Wait, you can do that?"
"Of course. My parents were tailors, I learnt a few things."
"Wow. Awesome. Thanks, Horace."

We spent the next couple of hours sifting through boxes and sorting thinks into piles of 'like' and 'don't like' and any other pile Horace thought necessary. Sadly, we didn't find anything in pure black but we did find a few nice dresses, but only two in red. The others were mixed of dark greens, blues and the odd pale orangey-red type colour. (Pictures will be in the next chapter because this one is playing up)

Not that I don't like those colours but they're just not that bold. Bold enough for me anyways. "Thanks alot, Horace. This is great!" I smiled as we packed everything up. He found a spare box for my pile of stuff and we spoke about random things while we worked. "Children, lunch time!!" I heard- well, Jamie heard - Miss Peregrine call. "Horace, lunch is ready. C'mon!"

Grabbing the boys hand, we ran down the stairs to lunch. Then I skid to a stop near the door. "Go without me, I'll be there in a minute." Horace nodded and walked into the dining room, leaving me to slide down the wall and pull my hair out. Why is it that when almost everyone is in the same place at once, I get an anxiety attack? Why?

I had to take my jacket off as I started to burn up. My hands were shaking and I couldn't see straight. This never usually happens. There was a sudden weight on my shoulders and my foggy vision was even more clouded by faces. Faces I didn't recognise. They tried to speak to me but all I could hear was the faint sirens of a fire engine and screams of children I'd murdered without wanting to. I blacked out after that.

Enoch's POV

Well that's something I'll never unsee or unhear.

Olive was clinging to my arm, terrified by what we all just witnessed. I pulled her off me and picked up Claire, who was balling her eyes out over Amethyst's... seizure? I don't know, it looked pretty seizure like to me. "Is she gonna be okay, Miss P?" Millard asked as Bronwyn picked the now unconcious girl up and carried her upstairs.

"Don't hit her head this time, B." I smirked. She rolled her eyes and glared at me before disappearing up the stairs. "Enoch, that was uncalled for. Millard, she'll be fine. Now as for the rest of you, please go sit down and eat before your food gets cold." Miss Peregrine ordered us all.

Rolling my eyes, I went back into the dining room to eat. And of course was followed by everyone else who were hungry too. We ate silently and the entire time I couldn't help but think about Amethyst. It's impossible to erase images like that from your mind. And I used to play with dead bodies. Well, I still do but that's not the point! How did her body contort like that? And why was she shaking so much?

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice my homuncoli tugging on my arm. Everyone fell silent and watched it as it spoke, "Enoch, Enoch, Enoch! How many pig hearts do you own?" The younger kids laughed and I sighed, putting my head in my hand and running it through my hair as I answered, "36. Now go back upstairs." It did as I said and I mentally screamed.

This doll will be the death of me.

Longer than the others but I hope you enjoyed it. Cya in the next chapter, bai!
X Caitlin X

September 6th, 2018

Papilon Vs O'Connor (ENOCH × OC)Where stories live. Discover now