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Enoch's POV

Charades went on for ages. We went from Peter Pan to something about history from Millard. And our laughter was so loud that we didn't notice Miss Peregrine practically scream at us that dinner is ready.

"I do not tolerate tardiness now sit down. And as a punishment you will clear up the entire table, wash up and sort out the food waste too." She told me and 'Millathyst' as I heard Emma and Olive giggle to each other. Jake had told them something about shipping people in 2016, whatever that means. Amie mumbled something and the three of us sat down, me on the end, Millard between Fiona and Bronwyn, and Amethyst on my right next to Olive. Emma and Olive's ship name for Amethyst and Millard kept buzzing round my head, making me think about what mine and Amethyst's would be.

Amenoch? Sounds weird.
Enothyst? Even weirder.
Amenochethyst? Okay brain what?

Amenoch it is. I guess it's not as weird as Millathyst, which is good. Suddenly a foot touched my own and I looked at Amethyst, who looked suggestively at me plate, telling me to eat. She was already a quarter ways through one of her crunchy golden shells and I blushed lightly before eating whatever the hell was on my plate.

Well, if pushing my food around and barely having a mouthful counts as eating.

Miss P - who I sit parallel to, goddamit. - noticed my peculiar eating habit and leaned to the left slightly in her chair, chicken leg in hand. "Mr O'Connor? Are you feeling okay? You've barely touched your plate." I looked down at the food under my nose and saw she was right; I hadn't touched it. "Uhm, no Miss P. I don't feel very well." I lied through a perfect mix of upset, distress and, well, acting. The bird seemed hesitant at first but soon waved for me to leave. "Oh and Miss Papilon can accompany you. But you'll be back down here to clean the table, understood?"

"Yes, Miss Peregrine." Amethyst and I answered in sync. Am grabbed her plate and we walked upstairs in silence, into my room. "You can sit on my bed and eat, it's okay." I told her, gesturing to the bed and I rubbed my forehead. "What's up, E? You were fine before dinner." Her voice; that damn voice. It's a mix of accents I'll never understand, never hear in separate. Like she's been all over the world. Then again she probably has. Miss Lynnfields' said Amethyst was born to a travelling family, and that her father would homeschool her and take her everywhere with him.

Until she nearly killed her brother.

"Enoch? Enoch, hello? Earth to Scottish Boy?" Her voice pierced its way into my thoughts again and I swear, it was too much. My body acted before I could comprehend and the plate of food was knocked to the floor as we landed in a hug on the bed.

Amethyst was stiff and I knew I had messed up.

Amethyst's POV


One moment I'm trying to get Enoch's attention and the next he's pulled me into a hug on the bed. I swear if he likes me-!

Wait... what if he does like me?

No, snap out of it, Amethyst, you're a goddam monster for crying out loud. He could never love you.

Could he?

No he couldn't!!

After that internal battle, I pulled away from Enoch and sat up. "I-I, erm... B-Be right b-back." My stutter was back and I felt nauseous as I speed-walked to my room. I'm pretty sure Enoch followed me because soon enough there was a frantic knocking on my door. "Amethyst? Am, please, I'm sorry!" Enoch, apologising? Wow. "J-Just a m-m-moment." I answered, grabbing my phone and charger. It was dead but there was a single outlet I had previously used for a hairdryer, as I didn't like the idea of Emma blowing in my face. I quickly pulled that out and plugged my phone in, allowing it to charge.

Don't ask me how this is more important than facing Enoch, it just is. I sat down on the floor and went through the scenario again. We were in his room, I asked him what was wrong, and then he tackled me onto the bed in a hug. What triggered that? "Amethyst? We need to clean the table, you need to come out now." Ugh, I forgot about that. Getting up from my position on the floor, I opened my door to find Enoch looking at it worriedly. "Am, I-" I shook my head and walked past him, not wanting to discuss what happened.

Rushing down the stairs, I saw the children watching Horace's dreams again while Mill was clearing a few plates. "L-Let me h-help..." I muttered, grabbing the stack of plates from him and walking into the kitchen. "Amie? What's happened, your stutter's back." Millard stopped me from walking and I looked up at him. "N-Nothing... no reason...." Of course, he didn't believe that. Enoch soon joined us and the two boys got into an argument while I cleaned the table.

Honestly, listening to those two ramble is punishment enough.

Emma's POV

You could hear Millard and Enoch arguing in the dining room, but everyone tried to ignore it. I rested my head on Jake's shoulder before watching Horace's dream from last night.

He was wearing a new suit, this time it was a yellowish-gold Colour with a matching top hat and a black shirt underneath. "It'll be perfect for Hugh's loopday party! I'll have it." Dream-Horace smiled as the dream changed. I looked over at Hugh who was blushing deeply. My attention was brought back to the screen when I heard Amethyst's voice. "B-Be caref-f-ful, Enoch!" I looked closer and saw that Dream-Enoch was fighting off some giant beast covered in candy floss, little sticky toys and streamers.

It changed again to show the same scene of Jake and I from last night so I got up and went into the kitchen. The bid were still fighting and Amethyst was practically hiding in the corner behind a plate. "Boys!" I yelled and they fell silent, looking at me. "One, you've scared poor Amie half to death. Two, you're ruining the movie. And three, you're s'posed to be helping her." I went over to Amie and took the plate from her. "You can do the rest."

Amethyst's POV

I looked over at the boy's once more before Emma pulled me out of the kitchen and up to my room. We spent the rest of the night talking about the differences between 1943 and 2016, along with me teaching her what a laptop and phone were.

Oof it's been too long. Hope you enjoyed this, cya in the next chapter!
X Caitlin X

December 2nd, 2018

Papilon Vs O'Connor (ENOCH × OC)Where stories live. Discover now