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Olive's POV (was it obvious?)

The Spanish boy was helping me steer the boat, my leather gloves repeatedly slipping off the helm. "So, Olive?" I looked up at the guy, blushing lightly at how he knew my name. "Tell me more about Amethyst." Ugh. "In all honesty or the sugar coated truth?" I smirked slightly at him. He thought for a moment before answering, "All honesty."
"In all honesty, she's an attention seeking bitch. She stutters on purpose, I've heard her talk normal, she 'has anger issues' and ruins things just for people to pay attention to her. Oh and she also stole Enoch away from me!!"

He looked astonished at my answer and cleared his throats slightly, "Right. Okay then." Poor guy. "Hey, Uhm, what is your name?" I looked at him quizzically and he chuckled slightly, scratching the back of his neck. "Uh, me llamo Jackson." Jackson. Okay. I don't know any of the rest. "Well, Jackson," I smiled, putting a leathery hand on his bicep. "It's lovely to meet you."

Jackson's POV

D'you ever feel like you love someone, only to realise the person for you is right in front of you when the other isn't?

Yeah that made no sense but that's me right now.

After hearing what Olive had to say about Amethyst, I wasn't so sure about that spark I had with her. It just didn't seem like Amethyst but then again I'd only seen her twice. And now looking at Olive, it seemed that there was something between us that didn't deserve words, only emotion. But what about Worm? My thought made me bite my lip with confusion. Worm is my fuck buddy, nothing more about it. He's a closeted gay looking for release.

And I'm a bisexual prat looking for love. Not to mention missing from Cairnholm. Ah, what the heck, what's the worse that could happen? "Hey, Olive? I don't mean to sound pushy or sudden but...." I shook my head and turned away from the strawberry blonde looking at me. "But what, Jay?" The nickname made me turn back around and rush, "IthinkImaybesortalikeyoubutlikeIdoubtyoulikemebacksoit'ssookay!"

She giggled- a really f-cking cute giggle too -and smiled at me. "That's adorable, Jay. And... I think I like you too." Our bodies moved closer and for a second I forgot about steering the ship.

For the second our lips touched.

Millard's POV

I wandered around trying to find Amethyst; we need to talk. There was no point hiding my feelings for her anymore. It's not like she's gonna abandon us for 2016 like Jake is.

My ears detected her favourite song and I immediately followed, thinking it was her. When I reached the door, I was shocked to see Enoch and Amie dancing and singing together. Enoch, you little rat!! One minute he's reduced her to tears and now they're dancing together!? I clenched my fists hard and I continued to watch them dancing and singing. Enoch dipped Am and held her there, singing to her. In all honesty, I didn't think Enoch could sing.

"I have an impression, in the back of my mind
That the black of my tie contains all your dirty thoughts
Make me an obsession, when you lock me inside
For the ride of your life unleashed, gonna get it off

No, can't count the list of things
I know are wrong with me
No need to justify them
No, I'll never take the blame
So I'll just stay the same
I'll never stop"

They edged closer and I helplessly watched as they kissed. My world shattered around me and any feeling I had for Amethyst fluttered away, leaving a mix of anger, upset and jealousy. The 'couple' continued to kiss for a few minutes before they pulled away for air. Al giggled and Enoch blushed as they straightened up and pulled apart from each other.

It was then that Amethyst saw me.

"Mill!" She called out but I ran; down the halls and into a spare room filled with skeletons, locking the door and sitting behind it. No one could see the tears rolling down my face, only the muffled sobs that escaped me as I buried my head in my knees. I was so stupid to think that a girl like her- the last living Fire Angel -could love some idiotic invisible boy like me.

((For the record I prefer Millard to Enoch so sorry for this.))

Horace's POV

I knew this would happen. I should've said something. Now poor Millard is refusing to leave that skeleton dining hall.

Amethyst relentlessly tried to coax him out, saying that she doesn't have feelings for Enoch and the kiss was just 'the heat of the moment' or that he was the bestest friend she ever had. But to even a wight, it was obvious she had to lie about the things with Enoch. The way her cheeks burnt up when she said his name, how a smile tugged at her lips no matter how much she refrained.

The small gasp of his hand on her waist.

"Enoch, for the sake of this issue, I think it would be best to tell Jake and Emma that we're nearly there. I'll go with you." He nodded and the pair of us walked away, leaving the once best friends to sort out their troubles. "Did you know about this, Horace?" He looked down at me, curse our heights, with a raised eyebrow. "More specifically?"
"That Millard would see Amethyst and I, get completely heart broken and then refuse to leave a room of skeletons?"
"Well I knew you and Amethyst would kiss, and that Millard would see. But I didn't think he'd run into the skeleton room."

It was easy to see that Enoch wanted to rip my throat out. "That kid is heartbroken because I admitted to feelings and you kept it a damn secret!? Millard's been crushing on Amethyst since the day she got here!" Wow, didn't know that one.

Oh dear lord, I've made a huge mistake in the love department.

It's hard tryna keep away from Amethyst and Enoch's POV's!!! Ughhhhhhh. Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter, cya in the next one. Bai!
X Caitlin X

December 8th, 2018

Papilon Vs O'Connor (ENOCH × OC)Where stories live. Discover now