Chapter 1: Well, It Looks Like I'm Not A Freak After All

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A/N: Hellooooo! This is a Harry Potter fanfic about what it's like to be a muggleborn at Hogwarts. I'm not very experienced with writing "proper" and English is not my first language so you will have to excuse me.

All rights go to JK Rowling (minus my original characters)

Feel free to criticize


Dear Ms. Penelope Adler

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

"Oh, you are so kidding me." said Penelope. "You cannot be serious about this."

"Oh no, Miss Adler, I assure you, I am most definitely serious about the matter." replied the stern lady whom Penelope assumed was Minerva McGonagall. "If you and your parents are not convinced about the matter, I most definitely can request some witnesses who have been through the same situation."

"Uh, no. It's just that this is unbelievable. It's just this is a lot to take in all at once. See, I'm just a normal girl, sort of, and I think you might have made a mistake, not that I'm questioning your magical skills, it's just- I think I need some time to think." rushed Penelope before quickly vanishing up the stairs. She quickly slipped through her bedroom door, and locked it. Finally feeling safe, Penelope relaxed and breathed out. "Okay, so I'm a witch. I'm a witch. Nothing to be surprised about. You know you've always believed in magi- OH MY GOD I'M A WITCH HELL YES" squealed Penelope as she jumped up and down while crushing the letter in her hand. She couldn't believe it! She had always known that she was a bit weird. Especially when her window suddenly disappeared when she saw a stray cat outside, or when this rude lady had been suddenly teleported to the roof when she started insulting Penelope, or another time when her dog, Cerberus, started levitating back to her when he had run away. Then that strange lady professor suddenly appeared right before her and her family when they were having dinner (but of course Penelope was actually quite grateful because her parents were just starting on the topic about her grades). The lady had just briskly asked everyone to stop eating and listen to her, and they did. So the professor, Penelope guessed that she should call the lady that now, told them all how these strange things that had happened were actually Penelope's own "magical powers". It was strange how it never occurred to her that she was a witch even when it had been so obvious.


While, they were all listening to the excited screams and jumping up and down upstairs, there was a very awkward silence downstairs.

"Uh, um, right, this is awkward. Sooo professor, if my sister's a witch, how come I'm not a wizard?" asked Eric, Penelope's older brother in an attempt to break the awkward silence.

"Well, we have three types of wizards and witches. There are purebloods, halfbloods and muggleborns. Purebloods and halfbloods have the magic passed on from their parents to them. But muggleborns are a whole different matter. For example, your sister. Muggleborns are those with no magical heritage but have still got magic inside them. It is a simple matter of....." droned the professor on but Eric wasn't listening anymore. It didn't really interest him and to be honest, he was actually quite pissed. How come his stupid little sister got to be a witch while he just had to be a normal kid? He was the older one. So why did she get the awesome powers and go to a school where they would learn magic? Eric had always known his little sister was a freak. He was maybe even okay with the fact that she could just be some weird psychopath who could do weird stuff. But now that he had learned that there were witches and wizards out there, that changed the whole matter. Because this meant that she was not in fact a freak. She was a normal person who just got lucky. Sometimes he just really hated his sister. And even thought he was not willing to admit it, but Eric was jealous. As he sat there looking like he had just eaten something rotten, the professor slowly stopped her speech and subdued to silence again.

"Right, could you just give us the webadress of the school so we can do a little more research and get to know what Penelope is diving into?" asked the father of the house in another vain attempt to break the silence. But it didn't seem to work, because the stern lady just gave a look of utter confusion.

"Excuse me? May I ask what a 'webadress' is?" asked the professor.

"Wait you're telling me that you have no idea what internet, or website, or wifi is?" asked Eric with such surprise that to be honest, scared the professor a little. Her reply was just a simple nod.

"Oh my god. It feels like we're back in middle earth again." Not understanding that reference either, the professor began to wonder just how long time Penelope was going to use.


Penelope was lying on the bed contently thinking of all the things she would do in revenge on the pranks Eric had played on her with the magic tricks she would learn when she suddenly remembered that there were people expecting her downstairs. "Dammit" she whispered to herself as she whipped herself up from her bed and flew down the stairs to again greet her family and soon-to-be-professor. When she reached them she saw Eric give her a "what-took-you-so-long-we're-dying-here" look. Well that did make sense. Her parents weren't really the talkative type. Penelope took a deep breath and looked at the professors "so-what's-your-excuse" face and her parents' "what-on-earth-is-going-on" faces.

"Right, sorry for taking such a long time. I was just trying to take it all in." said Penelope while smiling sheepishly. She mentally told herself to remember to not be so loud when celebrating because the walls in the house were very thin. As she gave herself the mental note, she went straight back to business.

"Well, now that I'm done, we can finally talk business about this new boarding school thing."


A/N: And that's it for this chapter. I hope you liked it and please tell me how it was so I can improve. I'll update as soon as I can. BYE

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