Tylers pov

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I pinned dallas to the wall. grabbing him by his hips. just thinking about him got me hard, I wanted him so much.

I heard footsteps outside the door. i pushed dallas away from me quickly and rather roughly but it didn't hurt him, the last thing I wanted to do was hurt him. I loved him. I had since.... around eighth grade. it's been two years. I had to tell him I was gay and to be honest I was scared so fucking scared I'd lose my best friend if he didn't love me back.

people piled into the gym locker room and everyone went on changing as usual. A friend of ours, tristan, looked over at us. I ignored what he said I was to lost in thought.

realizing I was hard as fuck I grabbed my bag and bolted out the door. I was so scared of what they'd have to say if they found out I was about to fuck another guy.

almost to the door. I thought playing with the cigarette in my pocket. I didn't usually smoke. not unless I was stressed and just thinking about the things people would say got me stressed.

I saw alyssa walking out of the girls bathroom wiping tears off her cheeks. alyssa was my sister, we were only eleven months apart, our dad never kept his hands off of her alright.

anyway she was my little sister and I loved her. I had to cheer her up so I ran over and hugged her. She hugged me back even tighter thats how I knew something was really wrong. Most of the time she'd push me away from her.

I pulled her into the closest bathroom which happened to be the girls bathroom but I didn't care. "what's wrong," I whispered pushing her hair out of her face.

"just...." she began," stress I guess... I can't take it anymore...." she whispered, then I remembered our parents were getting divorced. that's another reason we were both stressed. having to pick which parent you wanna live with, then being rejected by the other because you didn't want to live with them.

I pulled up her sleeve, she winced.

"alyssa....." I saw new red marks going across her wrist. she's been threw a lot so I understand why she'd do this to herself but to be honest thinking she was doing this hurt more than anything.

"s-sorry...." she quickly pulled away.

I kissed her forehead and whispered "ya know sex is a good stress relief." she looked confused. "sebbys in the locker room," I motioned twords the door.

she nodded, pulled down her sleeve and left. I sighed and left the building walking down to my car and lighting my cigarette. I drove down to the little lake we had in our town.

Our town was just your ordinary small country town no ones ever heard off. Everyone knew everyone yet no one seemed to know me... or even care. Why am i alive? Would anyone even miss me?


Tylers extremely scared of losing his friends and hurting dallas but he's such a caring brother aww, not to mention shy and cute! haha

love, grace

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