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"Are you sure Nic's okay with us coming?" Ryan asked me. We were currently stood in the elevator leading up to the apartment where Nicki was having her party.

"I don't know why you made me come, I told you she didn't want to see me." Khyree complained. "Because you're her best friend and it's her birthday." I replied as we arrived on the 18th floor and the doors opened revealing all of the people, some looked familiar then there was a bunch of complete strangers. I scanned the room looking for Nicki.

"There she goes." Ryan said, pointing over at her. She was busy laughing with her friends. I couldn't help but lick my lips at her, baby girl looked good as fuck.

 I couldn't help but lick my lips at her, baby girl looked good as fuck

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We all walked over to her and Khyree was the first to say something. "Happy birthday Nic, You're old as fuck now." He joked. She gasped and slapped his arm. "22 is not old!"

"I'm just playing." Khyree said as he hung his arm over her shoulder. "I missed you."

"It's only been two days since we last saw each other Khyree we- Is that for me?" Her attention switched to Ryan when she noticed the Chanel bag he was holding. "Yeah. Happy birthday." He handed it to her and she thanked him. "I'm gonna go get a drink."

"Me too." Khyree brought Nicki into a hug and kissed her forehead before going off with Ryan somewhere into the crowd, leaving us alone.

"You ready to stop acting like a baby and talk to me for real?" I asked. She shrugged. "Havoc I need to ask you something..." I gestured for her to continue. She bit her lip and looked down. "What do you see when you look at me?" She asked. It took me a second to make out what she was asking because of the music and her speaking lowly.

"I see my baby girl out here hustling, tryna make it out of here." I said honestly. From what I heard while I was locked up Nicki was really trying to do something with her life, she stopped partying and spent most of her time in the studio.

"So not a hoe?" She asked. "What?! No why would I see you as a hoe?"

"Jt said-" I cut her off at the mention of Jt's name. "Why're you listening to Jt? She don't know what's going on with us." I liked Jt and saw her as a sister but she was always fucking with Nicki's head, telling her dumb shit.

"Whatever we got going on is nobody's business but ours." She smiled small and wrapped her arms around me. "I love you Hav."

"I got a surprise for you."

"What is it?!" She grinned. "You're gonna have to wait until tomorrow to get it." I said and she immediately started pouting. She was so spoiled and it was all my fault.

"Hey stop that." I flicked her bottom lip and she slapped my hand away. "Well since you didn't get me anything I'm gonna go entertain my guests who did."


I was sat on the trunk of Havoc's car as he stood between my legs, talking to someone on the phone.

"Aye I'll call you back." He hung up and looked past me. "Dre!" He yelled. My eyes widened and I hit his chest. "Don't call him over here."

"Shh." He hushed me and stepped back to greet Dre. "Wassup. I need you to get something from Gucci's from me." I couldn't help but laugh to myself. A couple weeks ago Dre was acting like the big boss, sending me out on pointless errands now Havoc was doing the same shit to him.

"What's so funny?" Havoc asked me once Dre left. "I don't like him." I said. "He don't like you either. Stop being so mean. He got court tomorrow remember?" Havoc reminded me.

"That's tomorrow?" He nodded. I completely forgot. I was sure he'd get sent down for a long time but everyone else was in denial, believing the system wouldn't care about the illegal guns and drugs they found on him.

"Why do I have to come?" I whined, watching on as Havoc got ready. "Because I said so."

I huffed loudly and stepped into my dress. "Help me with this." I stood in front of him and waited for him to zip it up. I felt him tug at it a few times before saying. "It won't go up." I tied my hair up out of the way and told him to stop playing and zip it. "It really won't zip."

"Are you being serious right now? I just tried this on yesterday."

"Well maybe if you didn't stop for pizza at Benny's last night, you would be able to fit into your dress." He laughed. "Fuck you." I flicked him off and slid the dress off my shoulders.

"I would but we've got somewhere to be." He replied. "No you got somewhere to be. I'm not going."

"Yes you are. Just put on that dress you brought yesterday." He said. "It's too small I'm taking it back... I really need to get back in the gym." I confessed as I looked at myself in the mirror. My stomach was flat and waist snatched but my thighs had gotten huge.

"No you don't. There's no point." I looked at him through the mirror. "Why not?"

"Because you're gonna be fat as fuck in a few months anyway." He shrugged. "What are you talking about Havoc?"

"I was gonna give you like 3 more years but I changed my mind, I want my son now." I shook my head. "Not happening. Not in 3 years and definitely not now."

"Come let's go."

"10 years."  The judge said and courtroom was filled with gasps and the sound of people talking about how unfair Dre's sentence was.

I held Havocs hand as we walked out the building in silence. Once we was sat in his car I looked over at Havoc who had his head resting on the steering wheel. "You okay?" I asked.

He sat back and nodded. "Yeah...This is crazy man. I just got out and now my family's going in. Shits fucked up."

"Well he kind of deserved it. He was sloppy with his business and it finally caught up with him." I shrugged not really caring about what just happened, unlike everyone else who was shocked and hurt by the news Dre got 10 years.

"Let's celebrate!" I cheered as I started pouring out shots for Jt, Milan and her sister London.

"Wow you really are a bitch." Milan laughed, shaking her head at me. "I don't care. I'm glad he's gone."

"Stupid, ugly motherfucker." I mumbled before downing the shot.


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