Chapter Seven

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"Did Aunt Kushina and Uncle Minato tell you?" Reina asked as she was fighting with Kakashi.

Kakashi jumped up and did a back flip to get out of the way of her high kick.

"Yeah, they are having a baby. But you never told me how you mastered your Sharingan so fast." He made hand seals for an earth Jutsu, and Reina jumped up in a tree.

They regularly spared with each other, mostly to help Kakashi get a hang on his Sharingan. Reina showed him that she had fully mastered hers, and when he asked her how she simply told him.

"Fugaku-Sama, he made me build up my chakra strala, stampa, stam.... You know what I mean stop laughing!" Reina got irritated and threw her shoe at him from her place in the tree above him.

"Then he had me dodge a bunch of stuff with it on, and made me and Itachi fight with both of ours on. He still makes us do it though, he said something about making us stronger. OH! Fugaku-Sama and Mikoto-Sama and going to have a baby too!" Reina climbed down from the tree, and swiftly grabbed her shoe off the ground, while checking her surroundings with her Sharingan.

"That sounds awful, and congrats to them." Kakashi jumped up from underground and swiped Reina's feet from under her.

She did a back bend and flipped over to stand on her feet. She was weaving hand signs for a fire ball Jutsu, but she seen something weird. Kakashi had bit his thumb and slammed his palm on the ground, she didn't hear what he said because she was so focused on the ground where his hand was. That was until a pack of dogs appeared out of the smoke, standing in front of Kakashi.

Reina's eyes widened, and she got out of her fighting pose, all before she ran towards the dogs.

"They are so cute! Big Brother Kakashi you have to teach me that! I want ninja dogs!" The little girl gave the biggest puppy eyes she could.

"That's to advanced for you, maybe when you are a bit older. Besides your mom would kill me if I did." Kakashi turned his head away from Reina, to realize that one of the dogs had appeared on his head.

He had completely lost Reina's focus, because she was all for the dogs at that moment.

He had completely lost Reina's focus, because she was all for the dogs at that moment

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"Shisui if you don't stop staring at me, I'm going to hit you with one of my kunai." Reina breathed as she continued to throw kunai, and shiruken at the wooden dummy.

Itachi was standing a few feet to her left, doing the same thing to his wooden dummy. They had been practicing together more often without the incessant urging of Fugaku.

Itachi had become a close friend of hers, although she had been keeping him at a distance. Still too scared to let someone get as close to her as he did. She had vowed that she would become strong enough that she could, and would, protect all of her special people. Itachi was on the fence when it came to her special people, but he was staring to lean over the edge of that small circle of people.

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