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( two weeks later )

Jimin held my hand as we sat on the park bench, watching the passing people.

"That kid is definitely about to drop his ice cream." Jimin said, discreetly pointing out a small blond and blue-eyed boy wearing a red, white, and blue outfit.

"And...there it goes!" I exclaimed, watching the treat slide right off of the cone and onto the sidewalk.

The boy's (who I assumed to be) mother pulled a napkin out of her purse and picked up the ice cream, crossing the street, son's hand in her's, to toss it into the trash can next to us.

"Sweetie, I told you not to drop it. I can't get another one, honey!" I watched her kneel down to meet her son at eye-level.

"But, I thought we could do anything that we wanted, today?" The little boy countered.

"We have enough time, but I can't buy anything else today since your brother's back home from school. He needs Mommy and Mama to help him pay for college."

"Okay, Mommy." He nodded.

"I'm sorry, baby. How about we go home and get Mama and your brother so they can come to the park, too?"


They walked away, hand-in-hand and I nudged Jimin.

"Make sure they don't leave." I said, pulling out my wallet and running over to the ice cream stand to buy a chocolate cone.

My right held the ice cream and I spotted the mother and son climbing into their car. I raced through the park until I reached them.

"I'm sorry to interfere, but I saw your son drop his ice cream back there and I wanted to get him another one." I said, holding the ice cream out to the brunette mother.

"Oh, that's so sweet, dear! What do you say?" She asked the blond boy.

"Thank you!" He exclaimed and I smiled, letting him take the ice cream out of my hand.

"Have a great day, sweetie!" The mother called out to me, as I turned back around to wave. I ran back to Jimin on the bench, plopping down next to him.

He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead.

"You're so precious, Naida."


"And I want to layer my voice there, but I have no idea how to do it." I said, subconsciously running my fingers through Yoongi's cloud-like hair.

"It sounds good so far." He admitted, pulling off my headphones. "Wanna hear it?"

I took the headphones from him and slipped them on.

My vocals usual didn't sound this good, but with everything else that Yoongi helped me add, my voice sounded as if it was floating. And I loved it.

Yoongi's verse arrived and I felt as if I had been hit by a truck.

Our voices complimented each other's perfectly and the deep meaning of his verse that we had discussed earlier really shone in the song.

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