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The brunet cashier walked over to me and I gulped, anticipation I swallowed.

"Nice watch," He said motioning towards my hand, holding his eye contact.

"Yeah, thanks." I mumbled.

He took a two solid steps towards me and leaned in.

"I know what you just did, but I don't want to confront you right here," Jungkook whispered, drinking in the image of the dancers surrounding us with each cautious word.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about." I shook my head, blinking innocently and keeping my posture firm and trustworthy.

"I know you do."

I stood up from the ivory cushioned chair and walked past him, pretending that my heart wasn't beating with the force of gravity on a neutron star. I was positive that I had lost him until I felt a warm hand clasp around my wrist.

Just by instinct, my left hand gripped his and turned his palm upwards to face the glittery gold ceiling before using my newly freed right hand to twist his wrist clockwise. Jungkook winced in pain and I let go, leaning into him.

"Not here." I whispered, menacingly, then grabbed his cherry red wrist and pulled him off the dance floor.

We climbed a tall marble staircase and my eyes widened at the sight of an unconscious security guard's foot poking out of a door across from us.

My sisters' work.

I led Jungkook towards an empty lounge room and closed the door. I gulped, feeling the heavy weight of fear and anger in the pit of my stomach.

It was filled with plush couches and chairs, housed paintings rich in color on its walls, and had a warm and welcoming fire crackling in the corner.

He sat down.

"What's your name?" He asked with hints of agitation and amusement in his voice.

"Mina." I replied.

"Why'd you take the watch?"

"I didn't take it." I said innocently.

"You did."

"Prove it."

"You stole it from my brother. My older brother, Kim Namjoon. I can prove it."

I no longer cared that he knew I had stolen it. I'd probably just have to give it back.

"How so?" I asked curiously.

"Take it out."

I reached down the front of my dress and he watched awkwardly. It almost made me laugh.

"Flip it over." Jungkook said.

I did.

"Does it say Kim Namjoon on it?"

Clear as day, that name was engraved on the back of the clock. Looking at the watch closer, I noticed that it was not, in fact, luxury.

I nodded, ever so slightly.

"It still doesn't fit right." Jungkook stated simply, looking around the room to avoid my gaze, my eyes skimmed his face and I took note of his defined jawline.

"However, that does not matter. I just want it back."

I shrugged. It wasn't like I wasn't letting go of anything irreplaceable.

He walked over and opened his palm in front of me; I dropped the watch on it, a strange feeling of defeat washing over me. Jungkook closed his palm and tucked the watch into a pocket on his jacket. I walked over to the door, ready to leave, but I felt him behind me, extremely close and I let go of the doorknob.

He whispered into my ear, "Just because you gave it to me doesn't mean that I won't tell anyone you tried to steal it."

I froze.

"You wouldn't." I whispered threateningly, turning around to face him.

"I would." Jungkook smirked. "But, I wouldn't if we made some sort of deal."

"Deal?" I raised one eyebrow.

"Sure. I can come up with some-" He began, but I cut him off.

"I'll do anything as long as you won't tell."

"Anything?" He asked, amusement dripping off of his tongue.


"Then, make out with me."

My mouth seemed to become a gaping hole. The only thing that I could think of was my mother.

Don't ever use your body to get the job done.

"What? You said anything." He teased- I felt like vomiting.

"Are there any other choices?" I asked hopefully.


Don't ever use your body to get the job done.

"I can't believe my luck right now. Alone in a room with a pretty girl, who's actually considering making out with me."

His words made me want to punch him, put that would not help me get out of this situation.

Don't ever use your body to get the job done.

"Fine." I decided. I was truly conflicted about what I had just agreed to do.

"Oh, wow. I didn't think you'd say yes." He told me as I nodded and breathed heavily; with every two words, he moved closer to my face, pressing my back firmly against the door. My heart was palpitating and my mind was racing as I watched Jungkook's dark gaze fix on my lips. We hadn't even kissed yet, but I already felt awakened each time his skin brushed against mine and his breath danced across my neck. 

Finally surrendering control, I closed my eyes and let his silky lips meet mine.

His touch made me feel like I had been starving for my entire life. I struggled to gain control as he kissed me slowly until I finally kissed back, immediately becoming fond of the delicious feeling of us pressed together. There was no spark, there was a flame growing inside of me—its sinful pleasure was enough to convince me that all would be okay as long as Jungkook's tantalizing lips were on mine.

I sped up the kiss and turned Jungkook around, slamming him against the mahogany door. My fingers tangled themselves in his chocolate strands before he nibbled my bottom lip gently and I tugged on his hair, making his hands grip my hips a little bit tighter.

A couple of seconds later, I felt his tongue run along my bottom lip and I parted my lips in reply.

The feeling of another person in my mouth was quite unfamiliar, but that made it so much more enticing. He explored each crevice with his tongue until I felt comfortable enough to try and copy him. It was as if we were following a rhythm—our undiscovered needs making themselves known each time our tongues collided. 

But, it was getting hard to breathe, so I reluctantly pulled away from Jungkook. He was exhaling heavily, but the image of lust that he displayed made me want more—his swollen, rosy lips, disheveled chestnut hair, and loose black tie were begging for me. And I wished that I could reply.

"Please do that again." He whispered.

My body was aching for more, but I couldn't allow it.

"Maybe later, but not tonight." 

All I needed to see was a sliver of desire in Jungkook's eyes before dipping my head down to press a light kiss to his neck.

/ questions /

what are two of your current favorite songs?

Jenga (feat. Gaeko) by HEIZE

달리 Dally (Feat. GRAY) by Hyolyn

[as of July 11, 2018]

have you had your first kiss yet?

Ummmmm, no.


with hope, lo

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