Divine Beauty

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             Paige dressed she was set to return to the village when she was stopped by Belle she said "Paige hold up" she stopped she said "Belle, did you need something?" she said "Would you mind if I join you I need to see my father anyway so I figured we go together" Paige thinking what Gaston would say to seeing them together and what he would think of her she said "Sure, horses or carriage?" she said "Horses will be fine". They rode into the village the girl Emily greeted Belle and her she hugged Belle then hugged her she said "Briar Rose, you know Belle?" Belle looked at her confused Paige said "It's a secret" she said "Okay" she walked off Belle said "Briar Rose?" she said "Yeah, no one knows my real name and so I gave them a fake one" she said "I see" she said "Sir Bromley doesn't want people know who I am for fear of everything" she said "I understand the secrecy can't be too careful" she said "You're not mad?" she said "Not at all". People saw Belle and Briar Rose strolling about as they were talking about how they know each other or what and it got back to LeFou he knew it be a matter of time before Gaston learns of it he had to make sure he didn't find out Belle introduced her father to Paige in his home she saw the drawings he did she said "You did all this?" he said "Yeah" she said "These are great, better than what I've seen elsewhere" he said "Thank you" Paige said "Briar Rose would be sufficient here in the village but actually my name is Princess Paige" he said "A princess here in my home" Belle said "Papa, she's here for the wedding of me and Prince Adam" she said "I'm his cousin, his late mother was my aunt my father's sister" he said "Well, then I can see beauty is divine in you" she said "Thank you Monsieur Maurice but I should thank you for having a great daughter we've become fast friends almost like sisters" he said "The pleasure is all mine" Belle said "Paige we need to go I need to visit with Pere Roberts" Paige said "It's a pleasure to meet you Monsieur Maurice" he said "As it was mine Briar Rose" knowing that she wanted to be called that in the village. They were walking arm in arm to Pere Roberts he saw the two he said "Mademoiselle Briar Rose and Belle what the odds to have you both here at once" Belle said "I was in the village and decided to see my favorite person" he said "Aside from your father?" she said "Yes, we just left there" Paige looking at the books Pere Roberts said "So how do you two know each other?" Paige looked at Belle she knew it wouldn't hurt for one more person to know her secret Belle said "Pere Roberts can you keep a secret?" he said "Of course" Paige said "My name isn't Briar Rose, it's Princess Paige and I'm the cousin of Prince Adam I'm staying at the castle for the wedding and afterwards it's up to me" he said "I knew something was off when you gave me that name but I knew you would tell me the truth eventually" she said "I don't want others to know about me and treat me differently because I'm royalty" he said "I understand so Briar Rose what do you like about our village?" she said "It's quite simple and charming" he said "I've noticed Monsieur Gaston has been acting differently since you arrived" Belle said "Differently?" Paige looked around trying not to smile more less blush Belle said "Paige? What is Pere Roberts talking about?" she said "Nothing" Pere Roberts said "I also heard you shot a deer and it quite impress him" Belle said "Paige?" she turned around she said "He was showing me how to shoot his gun and it shot a deer but that was the last time I'm hunting ever" Belle said "Okay then". 

          Getting the second degree from Belle was almost like getting it from Sir Bromley and she hated that every bit of it so when they walked out Belle locked arms with Paige she said "Briar Rose" the first time she uttered that name to Paige given they were out and about and not wanting to call her by her real name she said "Yes Belle" she said "So when you came to the village three days ago did you happen to run into Gaston?" she said "Sort of, I mean he ran into me" she took her sit down by the fountain she said "I told you the story of how I and Prince Adam came to be and how he played a vital part in it" she said "I know, I realized that afterwards and I bolted then something.." she said "What?" she said "It's probably nothing but sounds crazy" she said "Crazy? I've seen crazy things you can tell me" she said "I told you how I can recognize true love between people the signs and the looks" she said "And?" she said "Well.." she said "What? Him? Briar Rose you can't be serious? After what he has done" she said "I didn't plan on it, it's just happened that's all and I've been trying to avoid him" she said "I know what you said about not feeling on belonging anywhere and being ignored but you deserve so much better than him?" she said "Belle, I'm grateful for you being so concerned about me it's a refresher than Sir Bromley doing it but the thing is I didn't say I love him it's just I know the signs and it's only true love if it's felt both ways so besides he has the three village lasses fawning over him" she took her hands she said "You don't know how he feels do you?" she said "What? That's not what this is? Besides a minute ago you were upset what's changed?" she said "Maybe I was being unfair I mean I changed Prince Adam maybe you could change Gaston a lot I'm hoping a lot" she said "Belle, perhaps after the wedding I should leave probably head home maybe my parents will be tired of bonding with my sister I mean she's practically engaged so she will be leaving with her husband-to-be to his home" she said "I didn't mean to upset you" she said "Maybe there's a reason why I can't find true love like I'm cursed, let's just get our horses and go back to the castle" she went hurrying off trying not to cry. On their horses arrived at the castle Belle knew she made Paige upset she dismounted her horse she said "Paige, say something?" she said "I need time to think alone see you later" she took her reins and turned Thunder around and rode him off Belle walked inside the castle Paige came through the woods to the village she tied him to a post at the tavern she walked inside to seeing Gaston in a chair she couldn't shake that feeling "what if he's the one, he's my true love" LeFou said "Briar Rose, are you coming inside?" Gaston heard LeFou and saw Briar Rose in the doorway of the tavern she said "Actually I was leaving tell Gaston I'm sorry for wasting his time" she undone her horse from the post and she got on and took off riding LeFou saw a storm forming in the sky Gaston came to him he said "Where is she going?" he said "I don't know, but looks like a storm is coming and she shouldn't be out there in it" he said "Get my horse now LeFou". Paige riding her horse through the woods it looked different she was trying to process everything of late and she put herself and Thunder in midst of wolves they came running at them she kicked Thunder to ride hard but one lunged at him causing her to fall off and he went running off she went and grabbed a big stick she went to hitting several to stay back one took it from her she went to running and tripped over a tree root slowed her down and allowed the wolves to catch up to her. She was pinned up against a tree she saw the wolf it had a scar down it's eye it came running at her as it jumped midair to get her when she put her arms up in front of her hoping to block the wolf's marks from her face when a gunshot ranged out and that wolf was down on the ground dead then followed by several gunshots the wolves ran away she looked up to see Gaston up ahead on his horse he said "You okay?". He got down and placed his gun in the saddle case she walked over to him as her eyes darted to the dead wolf that was after her he said "Briar Rose, are you okay?" she was still in shock when she turned around to see him there she felt a twinge inside her she said "Gaston.." she then collapsed he caught her in his arms before she fell down he picked her up placing her on his horse when he climbed up as well placing her arms around his waist he then rode back to the village. LeFou had seen her horse coming riding in heading to the stables not long after Gaston left out he wondered what could have happened to her when he saw Gaston coming he was glad he found her before the storm began Gaston came up to him he got down and picked her up carrying her in his arms LeFou said "What happened to Briar?" he said "Take my horse to the stables" he grabbed the reins and watched Gaston carry Briar into the tavern then up the stairs to his room where he gently placed her on his bed he hoped she would wake up but she didn't he went out of the room. He was found by LeFou he said "Gaston what's wrong with her?" he said "The wolves, one was within inches or seconds of killing her I shot it killing it scared the others off, she walked up to me scared of what almost happened she said my name so innocent and then she collapsed into my arms, now I have to go find her horse it probably was chased off by the wolves" he said "Actually, it came back not too long ago before you came with her it's in the stables in a stall eating hay" he said "Well that's some good news" LeFou saw his friend's face had worry on it because of Briar Rose and he hadn't seen that since they were in war.

 He was found by LeFou he said "Gaston what's wrong with her?" he said "The wolves, one was within inches or seconds of killing her I shot it killing it scared the others off, she walked up to me scared of what almost happened she said my name so ...

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