I Wonder

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            Paige was in the dreamscape she with Gaston she didn't want to leave his arms he said "I'm on my way to you" she said "I know, I can feel it" he said "You can?" she said "As Belle and Ella both told me true love transcends everything and two hearts are one and I know what we have is truer" he said "I know and that's why I will do everything in my power to be with you now" she said "Dance with me" she got up and he followed suit from the ground they were sitting on she took his hand with her's and placed her left hand on his right shoulder and they danced under the magic of the dreamscape. He dipped her then pulled her back into his arms gazing into each other's eyes he said "When we are together I want you like nothing else" she said "I know my love as I want you" he said "I want to kiss you and devour you" she said "Once the curse is broken, you shall have that and my heart and soul as well". Feeling the magic fading he said "Next time I will be with you in person" she said "I can't hardly wait my fair hunter prince" he said "Hunter Prince?" she said "Well that's what I've been calling you in my thoughts" he said "You are my princess, my beauty" she vanished. Gaston and LeFou riding through came to a fork in the path the left path led towards the forest and the right path led toward a long winding road LeFou said "Which path Gaston?" he smirked he said "The Forest, that's where she'll be" he took his horse off down the left path LeFou said "Why she be there?" he said "Something she told me in our dreams". Not long after the carriage with Lady Tremaine, Anastasia, Drizella and Grand Duke came to the fork as well but they went down the right path the long winding road and they would be in for something I guarantee it the long winding path had grown treacherous with thorns and briars almost reminiscent of Maleficent's power when she tried to thwart Prince Phillip from saving Princess Aurora with true love's kiss then again there's the view of The Forbidden Mountains in the far off distance the remnants of it's structure one day it will all fall down and be just rubble. 

              Paige went out into the forest collecting berries she greeted by the animals she was very much like her sister Aurora so pure and innocent she was singing and her voice echoed in the forest where Gaston and LeFou heard it Gaston led his horse onward hoping it would be his princess. Paige sat on a tree stump surrounded by the animals she saw they had their someones she felt a twinge of pain in her heart she didn't care the friend owl greeted her hooting bringing her out of her thoughts she said "I'm daydreaming of my hunter prince" he hooted at her she said "Oh, he's tall, handsome, a hunter and everything so grand" he hooted again she said "He's made for me, only a curse separates us but in our dreams we're together it's so magical". She got up and went to dancing about reminiscent to what her sister did in the forest and singing too:

"Angel in disguise

Stories in his eyes

Love for every true heart that it sees.

Was it just a lucky day

That it turned to look my way

Or is it Heaven right before my very eyes.

He showed me all new things

The shimmer of moonbeans

I was blind, but now he's helped me see.

I was lost but now I'm found

His happiness surrounds

And now I find that my dreams can come true.

Cause I'm gonna love you for the rest of my life

I'm holding you safe here in this heart of mine

I can't live without you cause my soul would die

You know I'm telling the truth, I'll spend the rest of my life loving you"

Gaston heard singing dismounted from his horse and walked up behind a tree to seeing Paige singing and dancing with a owl twirling about he walked up when her eyes were closed and took her hands within his she felt the touch of skin that was quite familiar to her she opened her eyes to seeing the owl was on a tree hooting at her embarrassing she turned around to seeing Gaston there he said "No owl dances with my girl" she hugged him she said "You're here" he said "Of course I am I told you the next time I would" she said "I'll never doubt you ever" he said "Shall we dance?" she said "We shall". They danced to the point they stopped and held hands walking to a tree where they saw King Stefan's castle not far off she said "It's so much bigger than the last I saw it" he said "Well, now you'll be safe from your enemies" she turned to him she said "As long as we're together no evil can harm me not even this blasted curse" he cupped her face in his hands he said "Then I should make something official" she said "Like what?" he got down on one knee pulled a box from his pocket opened it to a ring he said "You accepted my offer in the dream but now I ask it now for real time would you again accept me?" she said "Yes" feeling the twinge in her heart again he saw the pain he didn't mean to hurt her she said "No amount of pain can stop me from this moment, I accept you Gaston my Hunter Prince" he placed the ring on her finger and kissed it.

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