Beginning of a Love Story or The End of One

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            Gaston never left Paige/Briar Rose's side he waited for her to awaken while LeFou came into the tavern soaking wet from the storm he went to warming up by the fire and checked on Gaston he went and made breakfast Gaston said "I'm not hungry" he said "You won't do her a bit of good if you don't eat anything" he said "Fine". Paige was reliving a vague memory from her past when she was 13 years old she was strolling about the castle grounds and found an old woman she was homely she being kind and compassionate she paid her some attention the old woman was quite wicked indeed she didn't show it until afterwards she said "You must be Princess Aurora" she said "No, I'm sorry you're mistaken I'm Paige her sister" she said "Strange, we haven't seen her since that fateful day that Maleficent cursed her what say her age is now?" Paige said "I'm 13, she should be 16" the old woman developed a wicked smile she said "So Princess Paige, were you given gifts as well?" she said "No, I wasn't but I don't need them I'm quite happy as I am" she said "Of course, my dear have you found true love yet?" Paige started to notice this old woman has strange questions she said "Not really" she took her hands held tightly she said "You will never know true love or feel it, it will escape you, you may know the signs of it and the looks of it but you may never partake in it this is my gift to you". Paige let go of her she said "Who are you?" she seemed afraid she revealed herself shedding the old woman disguise to reveal herself to be Maleficent she said "You, you have made my family so miserable" she said "Well, your parents should've sent me an invitation to the christening but it seems to me they forgot on you?" she said "They didn't have one for me because of what you did to my sister" she said "Ha, here's another gift for you" she grabbed hold of her she said "If you do find true love your heart will sting of pain as if I ripped it out myself sweet princess my gift to you a lovely curse your sister will fall under a slumber as you will too if you feel true love and the thing is it won't come to you because you will die because of it" she said "No" she said "Now, tell your father King Stefan that he shouldn't mess with me" she woke up in a sweat to seeing herself in a

 Paige let go of her she said "Who are you?" she seemed afraid she revealed herself shedding the old woman disguise to reveal herself to be Maleficent she said "You, you have made my family so miserable" she said "Well, your parents should've sent...

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room she wasn't familiar with then saw LeFou when she rose up he said "You're awake, I'll go tell Gaston" she said "Not yet" he said "Why not?" she said "I need to confess something to you that can't be told to him, please" he saw she was scared he said "Of course, I won't tell him". She told him everything and not holding back he said "That's a bummer, I'm sorry for you but you should tell him he may understand" she said "No LeFou, no one understands the pain I feel when the one you care for you can't love them without falling into a deep sleep that will spell my death" he saw she was crying and he didn't like any girl cry around him he said "Once the storm subsides I'll distract him letting you return to the castle" she said "Thank you LeFou, you are a true friend" he said "I know, but I know what you and he have is true I can see it and it sucks that you can't do a thing about it" she said "I know".

                Storm gone and sunlight peeked through the curtains Paige went to the stables she got Thunder from his stall she led him out and mounted him she said "To the castle we go" he took off. Arriving back at the castle she put him in the stall there and she made her way back inside where she was greeted by everyone worried about her but Sir Bromley was quite upset with her the most he said "You worried us sick princess" she said "I'm sorry it won't happen again" seeming to be something wrong with her Bromley said "You okay Princess?" she said "I'm fine, I'm going to my room" she had tears forming in her eyes so when she went to her room she cried on the bed he went after her to seeing it he knew something was wrong but she would never tell him he shut the door and walked off. He voiced his concerns with Belle whom had taken up a sisterly bond with her she said "I can find out for you" he said "Thank you milady" she walked to the door knocked on it she said "Paige it's me Belle, can I come in?" she opened the door to seeing Paige up against the pillows sitting up her face was red from crying she sat down beside her on the bed she said "Want to talk about it?" she said "I told you about my sister's curse? I haven't told you about mine" she said "Paige" she told her everything and as she was telling her it her voice was scratchy from crying and everything and she was still crying Belle pulled Paige into her arms as she comforted her she said "I'm so sorry for being upset with you the other day I didn't know" she said "I can see the signs and the looks of true love but I can never have it for myself and that's my curse as well if I do feel it my heart stings a pain as if it's been ripped out of me by that vile dark fairy herself and then I fall into a deep sleep awaiting true love's kiss but it won't come because I'll die, I've been cursed since I was 13 years old and I'm 17 will be 18 come my birthday so for 4 years I have watched others find their happy endings and not my own and I've seen those that love me cursed as well my own father sent me to my uncle King Henry I and his son Prince Henry II-Kit hoping it would do me some good, I've been away from home for 2 years". Belle said "So does Sir Bromley know?" she said "Yeah, why you think he's so protective of me and why I shouldn't wander off" she said "That's why you help people find their happy endings?" she said "Yeah, I know the signs and looks because I have felt it and partake in it then ran away from it" Belle said "Gaston? You felt it with him and saw the signs then ran away from him" she said "To coming back here to all of you" she said "A curse can be broken, I broke Adam's so your's can be as well" she said "After your wedding tomorrow I'm heading home perhaps The Three Good Fairies have found something to break it one can hope" she said "What of Gaston?" she said "He'll be devastated to know I left without saying goodbye LeFou went to distract him while I rode back here" she started back crying as her heart stung in pain Belle saw the pain in her eyes she said "I'm here, it's going to be okay" Paige said "That vile dark fairy even in her death she won" Belle was rubbing her back she said "You will be alright in the end you'll see".

 Belle said "So does Sir Bromley know?" she said "Yeah, why you think he's so protective of me and why I shouldn't wander off" she said "That's why you help people find their happy endings?" she said "Yeah, I know the signs and looks because I hav...

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