Chapter One

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Kendra, 19 years old

I watched as the cardiac monitor beeped steadily with each beat of my heart. Here I was, in the hospital again, because I had a little "scare" back at home. My lungs felt as if they were locking and I couldn't breath, so my mom  rushed me to the hospital, where I was rushed into the emergency room. I hated having to put her through this. I'm sure that she felt as if it would be the last time she would see me alive every time I was rushed to the hospital for these little "scares" I had. But my doctor, Dr. Terheni, had told us that it had came from my lungs being filled with fluid. They had to drain it out, and now I was just relaxing in this pitiful square that they called a hospital bed, waiting to go home.

I looked over at Trent, sleeping peacefully against the window sill. Trent had been my boyfriend of five years now. He knew about my cancer before he got into the relationship, which made him a little hesitant of getting involved with me. But after he hung around me a couple of times, he couldnt stay away, and I say that arogantly. No no, I'm just kidding. I'm not arogant, I swear. Who am I to be arogant in the situation I'm in? But anyway, he's been by my side every since the day we became official, and we loved each other so much. But again, I felt bad. I felt bad because he constantly had to run up here at the hospital, just to spend time with his girlfriend. I felt bad because he was always worrying about me and my condition, when he had enough to worry about at home. I felt bad because he had skipped out on going to a University and settled for a community college just so he could be with me. Not that a community college is bad, because it's not, but I knew that, that wasn't originally his plan. I felt bad because one day, hopefully not soon, but one day I would leave him here alone, forever.

Trent went to IUPUI here in Indiana. I probably would have went there as well if it weren't know. Since I wasnt in school, I wanted to find something else to do with my days, instead of sitting at home, moping and complaining about my situation, So i found a little day job. It was a cute little flower store called "Tulips and Beyond". I don't do anything too heavy, I just worked at the cash register from time to time.

"Kendra?", Trent called out to me. I guess he woke up while I was daydreaming about work.

"Yeah?", I answered, lifting my head to look his way. Looking at him made me upset. He had so many bags under his eyes. It hurt me to know that I was the reason for those bags.

"Hey, you're up", he said smiling, walking over to the side of my bed.

"I guess I am", I replied chuckling.

"How you feelin' babe?" he asked me, rubbing the top of my head. No matter how long we've been together, I was still head over hills for him. He always knew exactly what to do to comfort me. Sounds corny right? But its true. He was truly my rock.

"I'm alright. I'm just ready to go home", I whined.

"Yeah I know. But atleast nothing too serious happened", he replied, still rubbing my head.

"Yeah", I nodded. "But you better go home and get ready for class. It's already six and your class starts at seven".

"Oh shit, you right", Trent said, fidgeting around in his pocket in search of his keys. "You're gonna' be alright?", he asked me.

"Of course I'll be fine", I started, "Dr. Terheni said I could go home today anyway so I'll see you later", I told him.

"Alright cool", he said, bending down to give me a hug and then he looked over at my mom who was sleeping, before pecking my lips quickly and we both laughed. It was a shame we still had to sneak kisses at the age of nineteen.

"Hey", he said still looking at me.

"Yeah?", I answered him.

"I love you", he told me, with a serious expression.

"I love you too baby", I assured him. "Now go to class before you become even more stupid than you already are", I said jokingly, and laughed.

Hahaha! Thats a good one Ken!", he pretended to laugh hard and then quickly made a serious expression and walked out of the room with no final words, leaving me cracking up.

I must have been laughing too hard because my mom woke up out of her slumber, shortly after Trent left. She yawned and stretched, standing out of the chair she had previously been asleep in. She looked over at me and smirked.

"You ready to go home, Ken?", she asked me. Hearing those words come outta her mouth was like hearing the gates of heaven open up for me.

"I'm more than ready ma", I said lifting up.

She laughed and said, "Alright, lemme go speak with Dr. Terheni just to make sure everything is set and we can go. Where's Trent?".

"He had class today, so he left", I explained to her.

"Oh okay cool", she nodded, "I'll be right back".

While my mom was outside of my room conversing with my doctor, I got up out of my bed slowly and walked over to the small table that held a pitcher of water for me to drink. I poured myself a cup, and waited for my mom to return so I could get the hell up outta here. And sure enough. shortly after I finished drinking my cup of water, she walked back in with a smile on her face.

"Alright baby, we're all set!", she said happily, "Put your clothes on so we can go. You need help?".

"Nah, ma, I got it", I told her. I went into the bathroom after grabbing my clothes and put them on carefully and then I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't have a breathing tube going through my nose like you see most cancer patients have, because i didn't need it right now. My head wasn't bald either. The chemotherapy I was currently taking didn't take my hair out. But my hair did not look healthy at all. It used to be full of curls, but now the curls were shriveled and breaking off. I didn't care though, I was just grateful to still have something that made me feel at least a little bit normal.

After we left the hospital and arrived home, I got out the car as quick as I could. I wanted to see my dad. My mom and dad had been married for fourteen years of my life before they decided to seperate. They didn't want to divorce each other because they knew they still loved each other very much. They also wanted to stay together for me, even though I told them that if they weren't happy with each other that they shouldn't let me get in the way of them separating. But as of two weeks now, my dad has been living with us again, and him and my mom had been together like a couple again. He didn't come to the hospital because he couldn't get off of work, and I understood. I wouldn't want him missing work for me and my foolishness anyway.

I walked into the house, holding onto the blue bear Trent had bought me from the little gift shop in the hospital. As soon as I got into the house, my dad attacked me, carefully, with huge bear hugs and a thousand quick pecks on my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to the hospital today baby", he said with an apologetic expression.

"It's ok daddy, I'm fine", I chuckled at his expression.

He kissed my cheek again and then said "Alright baby, I'll let you get some rest". After that, I walked into my room, laying my blue bear on my bed and laying down on it. I picked up my phone and looked at the time. It was ten o'clock. I knew Trent was outta class by this time and I was going to call him, but I figured he had probably went to his apartment to get more sleep. I don't blame him. Being at a hospital all day is tiring. I would just call him later on today. So i turned on my tv and engaged in an episode of Spongebob. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

Okaaay so here's the first chapter. Pleaase leave comments. Any type of comment. I dont care what it is!! But yeah here's the first chappie, and i really hope you guys enjoy reading as much as i enjoy writing it! muah!

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