Chapter Three

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Kendra, 19

After I had came back from Trent's house that night, I came home and went to sleep. This morning, I woke up to the smell of freshly, cooked nothing. My mom never makes breakfast anymore. She has to be at work early, so she just buys me some of those frozen chicken biscuit things, or I make Trent bring me something. My dad can't cook for shit, so thats out of the question.

I slowly lifted up out of bed and sat there for a minute. Then, I started making my way to the bathroom, and I passed my mirror. I took a few steps back until I saw myself in the mirror again. I examined my body. My hair was thin and shriveled. My skin was dry and pale. My body was so thin that one of my friends nicknamed me toothpick. I've tried to eat as much as I can to gain weight, but I just end up getting really sick and throwing it back up. I still have no idea what made Trent attracted to me, because what I'm looking at right now, is not even the least bit beautiful. I sighed and continued on my way to the bathroom.

While in the bathroom, I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and washed my face with that special face wash stuff my mom bought me last year for my birthday. I went back into my room and began scrambling the clothes in my closet , in search of something to wear. I had no idea what I was going to do today, I just know that I wanted to wear something pretty. My search for clothing was interrupted by my cellphone ringing. I walked over to look at the caller ID, and it was Trent, so I answered.

"Hello?", I answered.

"This is Kendra?", Trent came onto the line.

"Who else would it be, goofball?", I laughed.

"Right", he chuckled, "I just wanted to see what you were doing today".

"I have no idea. I just know that I wanna look pretty for once in my life, so I'm putting on a nice outfit", I said, holding the red dress my dad bought me, with the help of my mom of course.

"You look pretty everyday babe, chill with that. But I was trying to see if you wanted to go get breakfast or something, because I'm bored as hell", he said.

"It's 9:00 am, on a Thursday", I chuckled.

"And?", Trent asked.

"You have class today, butthead", I reminded him.

"Well class started at 8:30 and I didn't get up until 8:50, so I'm just gonna chill today. Missing one day of class ain't gone hurt", Trent replied.

"Oh lord. Well if we do go somewhere, I don't wanna do breakfast, because I'm not hungry", I told him.

"I already ate two bowls of cereal, so thats good. But what you wanna do then?", he asked.

"Shoppingggg", I said in a singing tone.

"HA! Hell no!", Trent yelled into the phone.

"But why nottt?", I whined.

"Because you be taking too damn long. You gotta look at EVERY shoe store you see, and EVERY jewelry store. I be like damn girl" he explained.

I laughed and shook my head. "Well what do you want to do?"

"We could go.......I don't even know." he gave up.

"Well think of something!", I rushed him.

"Well..I kind of wanted to go see my mom today, if thats okay", Trent said nervously.

I took a pause before I replied due to being shocked, "Of course baby, we can go see her", I told him.

"Alright, cool. I'll be there in a minute", he sighed.

I said okay, and then hung up. Then, I resumed what I was doing before, which was holding the red dress up to my body to see if it would be the winner outfit of the day. I decided that it would, and I put it on and looked in the mirror. The dress was casual, red, and a little tight fitting. It stopped a few inches above my knee. I had absolutely no curves at all, so I couldn't say that it showed off my curves. I began fluffing my natural curled hair, and sprayed a little mousse in it to give it a little life. Then I applied a little make-up on me, and waited for Trent in my living room.

While I waited, I texted my mom to let her know where I was going so she wouldn't be alarmed.

"Hey mom. Just wanted to let you know that Trent and I are spending a little time togther today, so I might not be home when you get off of work. Love you, have a good day".

Right after I pressed the send button, I heard a knock at the door and I assumed it was Trent. I walked over to it and opend it to see a smiling Trent.

"You ready, beautiful?", he smiled at me, looking me up and down.

"Yeah", I blushed at his compliment.

"You look gorgeous, Ken", he nodded, grabbing my hand and leading me down the stairs.

"Thanks babe", I smiled at him.

We got into Trent's car, and headed on our way. It was getting a little quiet in the car, besides the music, so I decided to start up a conversation.

"So what made you want to see your mom today?" I asked Trent.

"I uhh...I just thought it was time to let go of all the anger I had towards her and just move on, you know?", he said to me, squinting his eyes at the road.

"Yeah I know. I'm proud of you for that", I told him.

"Thanks", he slightly smiled, not taking his eyes of the road.

We pulled into our destination, got out of the car, and began walking.

"Here it is. Anna Marie Gambit", Trent sighed, as we looked at his mom's grave stone. I looked at Trent to see his facial expressions and he looked angry, sad, and hurt all at the same time.

"You ok?", I asked him as I gently rubbed his back.

"Yeah", he replied, squinting at the head stone.

It was silent for a few minutes before Trent spoke again

"I hate you", he said, still looking at the head stone.

I looked at him, with concern in my eyes. But before I could speak, he began talking again.

"I hate you. You put me and my father through so much stuff. I understand that you were struggling with a mental illness, but you could've gotten help. You refused the help everytime because you were selfish! You were ONLY thinking of yourself instead of putting your child and your husband FIRST! You were so sick, that YOU RAPED ME! YOU RAPED ME! YOU RAPED YOUR ONLY CHILD! I was only 5, mom. AND YOU TOLD ME IT WAS OKAY, SO I THOUGHT IT WAS OKAY! BUT IT WASN'T! YOU WERE A SICK BASTARD! I COULD HAVE BEEN SO MESSED UP BECAUSE OF THAT, BUT LUCKILY GOD AND DAD HELPED ME THROUGH IT! I thought you would have atleast took the offered help for yourself, but you didn't. You just continued to be sick. And because of that, I will never forgive you. You got what you deserved." Trent finished as he jerked away from me and made his way back to the car.

 I stood there in shock. I had no idea that Trent's mom raped him. I had no idea that he was holding all this anger inside of him. He had told me that she had a mental illness and that she put him and his dad through a lot, but he never went into detail about what exactly she put them through. I walked back to the car, got in the passenger seat, and stayed quiet.

I listened to Trent breathe heavily as he was still angry from seeing his mom's grave. After a while I decided to speak up.

"I had no idea Trent. I'm sorry that you had to go through that", I told him sincerely. He just stayed quiet and continued to breathe hard.

"You want me to drive?" I asked him. Without replying, he got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side and waited for me to get out. I guess that means he did want me to drive. I got out, walked over to the driver's side, and got in, preparing to drive, I could tell this was going to be a very long day.

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