Chapter Four

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Bes could very much guarantee that this woman was not pleased with the situation presented to her. Even though they could not understand each other, her gestures proved to be an indicator of how upset, how nervous, she was. And her displeasure made him feel somewhat accomplished, especially when the colour from her already pale complexion drained even more.

She knew that something was going to happen but what that something was, was a complete mystery to her. Only he and the Royal Court knew of the ritual that was to take place within moments. The ritual itself would not cause any bodily harm, however, that did not mean that she would not feel the effects of the spell.

To be able to understand the woman's tongue was something that excited Bes. And yet a sliver of trepidation struck the young King. Why had the woman come to Egypt? Was she there to try and overthrow him and become the next ruler of Egypt? He almost laughed aloud at the ridiculous thought. A woman ruling Egypt? The Gods themselves would fall first.

Though he couldn't help but wonder, if she was from another time and place, surely she had heard or read of him, he was a King, he had to be known in ages to come, so why had she attacked him in the desert? Did she think such disrespect would not be met with punishment? Even if she claimed to not know who he was such acts could not be tolerated or else he would be seen as weak. And that he could not allow.

He pushed those thoughts back as new ones surfaced as he watched the nervousness and fear grow in the woman's eyes as his guards placed her in the center of the room. Was this woman not familiar with the spells and other magical rituals that were used in these lands? Did her people not believe in magic? Did they no longer practice the old rites? As Bes studied her, he noticed how her light coloured eyes scanned around her with fear, anger, and confusion etched into her features.

His thoughts on the matter ceased when he met the gaze of Amun, who was waiting, seeking permission to begin the ritual. Bes waved his hand, being attentive as the Court joined hands, their eyes closing underneath their darkened hoods. Their voices were low, yet audible.

Oh mighty Gods Please heed our cry This soul from the future requires thy touch To understand our tongue. Break free from the barrier that keeps us in the darkness. Let thy understand.

Golden white tendrils lifted up from the stone beneath their feet. The woman whimpered, trying to escape, but even she knew that her attempt was in vain as there was nowhere to run. Her eyes closed tightly as the wisps encircled her, twisting and twining about her, until they completely enveloped her.

Bailey cried out, cringing as a strong wave of nausea washed over her. A massive headache started to form behind her eyes, causing her legs to buckle beneath her and she landed on her knees with a sickening crunch. What the hell was going on? Were those strange people in robes using some sort of nerve agent?

Oh, God! She thought, tears forming in her eyes. I'm going to die in this place.

No one would know where she had gone.

No one would even know where to look for her or what had ever happened to her.

Placing a shaky hand on the ground she tried to steady herself, but the pain and nausea increased tenfold as her body, no longer having the energy to hold her upright, collapsed to the ground. She moaned, curling in on herself.

From where he stood Bes could hear the woman's laboured breathing and wondered if she would have the strength to remain conscious throughout the process. This was not an easy feat to endure. He had witnessed many rituals performed in this sanctum and nearly all of those whom had spells cast upon them had suffered similarly as the strange woman was suffering now.

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