Chapter 1

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warning-there is no violence or english swearing



With a loud thud, I fell hard on the ground. I groaned -quite loudly I must say- which was muffled from the dirt.


I felt dizzy, like my head was spinning. There was a low throbbing in my skull and a burning sensation at my hip and forearm. All over my body was sore, making my muscles and bones feel heavy, like they were filled with lead. I did not want to move.

I was all tired and exhausted. It reminds me the time I spent the whole day training hard without stopping. When I say the whole day, I really mean the whole day. I got a bunch of buddies to come at me, about seven of them against me. Our match wasn't a circle match, but a free-for-all match. We started at the castle, then we ended up fighting in town. It wasn't just fighting. I had to get rid of them and couldn't let them capture me within the day. I had lost some of them while running to two, fought the rest off, then hid in the bell tower. Eventually, they found me and I had to run again.

The rest of the time was tenseful and they really worked me hard for that exercise. I didn't get caught, but I was so sore and tired they had to drag me back to my room because I refused to walk a foot longer. We did this practice several times until I was a pro at evading and hiding in enemy territory. At the time, I was trained more for battle field and invading work, so that was really helpful and good for my skills.

I sigh in the dirt and groaned again while moving my arms up so I could push myself off the ground. I froze when I heard frantic footsteps and a voice.

"Oh my god, are you okay?!" A young male voice asked.

I was tense and lifted myself up a little so I could turn my head in his direction. I blinked in surprise when I saw him. He appeared to be around fourteen-fifteen-sixteen years old, skinny in a lean way, big chocolate brown eyes with fluffy brown hair, and a concerned, worried, and frantic face.

What really surprised me was his clothing. It was... odd. A blue top without any leather, loose on his form and ended right at his hips. His pants were black and was an odd fabric. As I take his full body as he crouch next to me, I notice that his whole look was odd for a Recongian.

That's when it hit me.

The battle. The war. The fighting. General Corgin. The spell. Marcus. The blue flames.

"Ackeeah!" I curse out, gripping the dirt tightly in my hands. My eyes widen as I looked at the boy with a new light. I was in a different time. This is the ticking future!

"Lady?" The boy asked tentatively.

I recognized his soft spoken language. I think it was English? Not many of us used it, but because of my rank, I had to learn many languages. I don't know about the future, er, now, but English was a western widely used language. Does this mean I'm somewhere in the West? Or I am still in the field, but further in time?

The boy repeated his question. Oh, I had momentarily forgotten him. I cleared my throat and spoke out, "Yes, yes, I am fine."

My accent was thick and my words slurred a bit. Recongain language was throaty and harsh, so speaking English made my words slur a bit and I had trouble with some words. I was almost fluent in English, there was some words that I haven't learned though. It was enough to pass my class and have a flowing conversation with a person who's mother language was English.

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