Chapter 2

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warning- there is amazing bacon that you can't eat :(

~not edited~


I let out a content sigh. I was so relaxed. My bed is sooo comfy. The blankets are warm and heated, wrapping nicely around me. My pillow was soft for once. Man, I must be too used to sleeping on the ground. I actually think my stiff pillow is as soft as a cloud and that my bed is so comfy it could rival a nobles bed. Hmm... so nice. I snored peacefully.



Last thing I remember is-

"Ackeeah!" I curse as I sit straight up, then curse again because I was hit with a load pain. I groan, slumping over, shaking slightly. Oh jeei, my boodyy.... what have I done to it to make me hurt sooo much.... uugh

"Don't sit up, child. You'll rip your stitches open and we can't have that. Here, let me just... do this."

I open my eyes and blink several times to get rid of the blurryness of everything. A women was standing next to the bed, holding more pillows. She places the pillows behind me, stacked upon each other and gently pushes me down onto pillows. I comply because really, my ticking body hurt so much.

She smiled kindly at me when she saw me staring at her. She had curly blonde hair which was pulled in a ponytail and had bangs that had been swiped to the side. Her carmel skin was smooth and had a few freckles dotted on her face. There was a beauty mark, I noticed, below the corner of her pink painted lips. Her eyes -a brightly, glowing green color- were almond shaped with curled eyelashes encircling them.

She was quite beautiful, honestly.

"Hi," she spoke in a lovely voice with a soft accent of something, "ya'll must be confused right now. I'm Mary, Nick's -the boy from before- mamma. You passed out when we were helping you to our house after finding you in the woods. You have over exerted your body, causing a lot of stress and tension to build up. That, and the major blood loss, made you loss consciousness. You're going to be needing lots of rest to heal back up. Now, I may not know what you are, but I know that whatever you went through is going to take awhile to heal up. Here, I made you some tea. Drink."

Surprised, I clutch the cup that was just thrusted in my hands. I looked down to see is was a murky brown color. Tea, huh? Eliot loves tea and constantly drinks it all the time. Every time I visit her she makes sure that the tea I have is always filled so I'd never have to go without tea. Since being busy with the war, its been awhile since I've had a date with her (A/N-as in, hang out like friends). When I'm finished, I'll have to schedule one with her. If I could somehow go back. I mean, I have a low chance chance to go back without the spell, which he knows and I have to kill him any chance I get. I may never go back and see my friends and family again. With a sick feeling, I take a sharp intake of breathe. I may never see my little brother again, my darling brother. I might never be able to hug him again, or hold him in my arms, or tell him I love him.

I never told anyone goodbye.

I push my thoughts away. They cause me too much grief. Besides, there's always hope that I will see them again. I have to believe or else... Well, I'm not going to think about that.

I take a sip of the hot drink. It burned, so I swallowed it quickly. The lady -Mary- smiled again and turned to the nightstand, where a plate of some food sat.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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