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"Cassandra I love you please don't go..." I plead with her on my knees as I watch her lug her bags to the car every so often I take a bag and drag it back.

"Prince stop taking my bags I have to go..." She says with tears down her eyes but I refuse to believe she wants to go.

I get up off of my knees and pull her flushed to my body making her gasp.

I am not giving up on her she is the love of my life and I can't lose her after it's been this long since I had another lover.

I stare at her beautiful face now drenched in tears as she looks at my lips before my eyes I know she wants me.

Her body is telling me just how bad she wants me but she is scared.

Scared I am going to break her heart like him but I am not him...

"Tell me you don't love me and I will let you go right now I will regret it but I will let you be happy tell me you don't love me but if you can't tell me that if you do actually love me I will pick you up and bring you into that house and make love to you every which way from Sunday never letting you go. I will prove my love to you emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Girl I love you something bad and if you do too there's no reason to leave ever..." I say as I take in her scent slowly.

Dragging my nose up and down her neck while I hold her trembling body in my hands.

I take one of my hands and caress her face and stroke her beautiful hair.

She is a goddess to me and I worked so hard to get her.

I worked so hard to prove to her I am not the man she thinks I am I'm really just broken and she can fix all my scars I know she can because she is already doing it.

"Prince I.....I.....hmm....If I say that I will be lying I" she says making my knees buckled.

I pick her up bridal style and take her into the house as I kiss all over her using my feet to open and close doors.

As we stand in my bedroom I make her neck my canvas as I start leaving feverish kisses against it making her moan.

She just doesn't understand how bad I love her...

I rip us from our clothing before I take her to my bed.

"Prince Baby I..." She tries to say as her fear of love kicks in she knows this has been the way of reason for her.

She understands everything I feel for her will drown her I want to envelope her soul into mine and make her mines forever.

"Shhhh Baby please don't ever leave me I don't know what I would do without you I really do love you and I promise you will know soon enough just how much..." I say as I kiss her longing for her touch to forever be burned into my core.

I make love to her body and her mind as we share tears of passion and fear within our space.

We hold onto each other desperately as we realized just how far into this pit we have fallen.

"I love you Cassandra with every beat of my heart and every breath of my body please girl don't hurt me don't leave me I can't take not having you..." I plead with her as my body confirms my feelings. Her feeling just how weak she makes me for her she is everything I need...

"Prince I.... Shit!!!" Was all she could say as her body betrayed her mental fear of love.

It cave to my every whim and every touch she needs comfort and security she needs to know I am completely under her spell and control no longer am I my own man I am her man.

"Tell me you love me baby girl...tell me you love me....I need to hear your beautiful voice say you love me..." I commanded almost as a beg as she sends my being into mush.

I cannot and don't care to know what magic this woman is weaving as long she doesn't stop I am hooked to her tighter than a dope fiend and I can't lose her lord I don't know what I would do if I lose her.

"I love you.... I love you Prince..." She says as she seals it with a kiss to my lips that go straight to my heart like shocks.

Tears fall from both of our eyes as we came undone within our Ecstasy...

She has signed my grave with her mark and she is the only thing that can kill me and bring me back to life.

I hold her in my arms still in our position of Ecstasy and I smirk against her skin.

Her beautiful skin so sexy next to me I don't think it gets admired enough.

I caress her collarbone leaving kisses on it as my hand travels to her shoulders down her arm over her knuckles, across her hip up her belly pass her chest to her jawline and stopping at her lips.

I run my thumb across them as I hold her head in my hands softly leaving kisses on her lips that curve into a smile.

I admire her smile so gentle and beautiful it needs to be displayed more.

I leave a trail of kisses across her jawline up to her ear growling ever so softly as I hear her giggle.

A sweet sound among many that leave her lips. "I love you Cassandra Lincoln I love you so much mamas..." I say kissing her tenderly against the lips again.

"I love you too Prince...Damn I love you too... And I am scared I can't go through this game of love again Prince I won't make it..." She says as more tears fall from her beautiful eyes and it breaks my heart to see just how damaged she is.

"I won't let you go at it alone but please give me a chance baby please allow me to show you the man I can be for you I can do it I can try please if you leave me again I won't ever be the same...." I beg as I intertwined our fingers locking them and kissing her skin tenderly.

The sun shine in my eyes as I turn over to cuddle the love of my life to feel my heart next to me but my bed was empty.

I jump awake to see that she was gone, she promised me she wouldn't leave me and she LEFT ME!!!!

I turn to where her beautiful body laid and I saw a note with trembling fingers I pick it up to read tears falling from my eyes.

I couldn't believe my eyes this can not be real this has to be a dream as I scream as my love crumbles in me as I crumble the note that was left....

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Temptation: The Love We Make (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now