~Am I Ever Going To See You Again~

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4 months later:

Cassandra's Point of View

"Now did you take the vitamin bitch?" Mayte says as she has me chained to my bed in this dimly lit room.

"Why does it matter to you bitch..." I say as I hold back all my tears as anger seep out of me.

"Tsk tsk are you going to be a bitch the whole pregnancy it won't be good for my baby..." Mayte says as she smiles at my belly.

"This is my child not your bitch...it's me and Prince child and when he finds me it's over for you bitch..." I say as I jerk feeling a kick from my baby.

"See you making her upset stop..." Mayte says hitting my head and I grit my teeth.

"No, you're making...wait how do you know it's a girl?" I say confused on she even knew I was pregnant.

"I can feel the energy that's my baby girl and if you stop making her mad, she won't hurt you she doesn't want you hurting her mommy now get some sleep..." Mayte says taking the food away.

"I am his/her mama okay not you..." I say as Mayte just laughs leaving me in the room alone.

Tears fall down my eyes as I rub my protruding belly a bit.

I am approximately 5 months pregnant, and I didn't know I was pregnant until 3 months ago when I woke up in the room chained to the bed and some random guy was examining me.

I realized I wasn't in California anymore as the guy had on layers of clothes and his accent was familiar.

It wasn't until Mayte brought me some soup store bought that I realized I was in Minnesota I just don't know what part of Minnesota.

I thought about my baby and how I hoped to be found before this lunatic bitch takes my child and kill me.

Singing to calm my nerves I drift off to sleep.


Prince's Point of View:

"I don't give a fuck if it's going to take an Army of you don't find my fucking girl, the mother of my child it's going to take God Almighty to stop me from putting my foot up your whole department's ass now like I said she is not here in California I know as I scoured all the places, she could have been the last place was that damn abandoned warehouse..." I say as I talk to the captain of LAPD.

It's been 4 months since Cassandra was abducted and I am stressing out over her safety and my baby's safety.

"Sir we are doing everything we can if she is not in California, it's out of our jurisdiction, we already notified FBI..." The captain says as I sigh trying to hold in my emotions.

"Then give me the damn agent who is on the case number so I can call them and curse them out..." I say as I paced with the phone cord twirling around my fingers.

Carter and Tricky have been actively helping me look for Cassandra. After we found Carmen's body dead in that abandoned warehouse.

I appointed Charlene to acting CEO while I deal with this mess of my life.

"Prince, we found her kind of!!!" Tricky says as he bust through my office doors with Carter.

"Where is she?" I say slamming the phone down as I wait for answers.

"Well, we tracked her down to Minnesota, but the trail went cold I don't know what town she's in or what location they can be in..." Carter says and I grit my teeth.

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